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Demo and Deployment Walk Through


Walkthrough demonstrating usage of CSI Driver and Azure Key Vault. Based on Helium AKS and CSI Driver

Azure Components in Use

  • Azure Container Registry
  • Azure Kubernetes Service
  • Azure Key Vault
  • Azure Service Bus
  • Azure Managed Identity


  • Azure subscription with permissions to create:
    • Resource Groups, Service Principals, Keyvault, Cosmos DB, AKS, Azure Container Registry, Azure Monitor
  • Bash shell (tested on Mac, Ubuntu, Windows with WSL2)
    • Will not work in Cloud Shell or WSL1
  • Azure CLI (download)
  • Docker CLI (download)
  • Visual Studio Code (optional) (download)
  • kubectl (install by using sudo az aks install-cli)
  • Helm v3 (Install Instructions)
    • Using helm version > 3.3 is recommended (setup has been tested successfully with 3.3.4)
  • Java 11
  • Maven 1.6+


Fork this repo and clone to your local machine

git clone

cd servicebus-csi

Login to Azure and select subscription

az login

# show your Azure accounts
az account list -o table

# select the Azure account
az account set -s {subscription name or Id}

Choose a unique DNS name

# this will be the prefix for all resources
# do not include punctuation - only use a-z and 0-9
# must be at least 5 characters long
# must start with a-z (only lowercase)
export Name=[your unique name]

export Location=eastus

### if nslookup doesn't fail to resolve, change Name
nslookup ${Name}
nslookup ${Name}

Create Resource Group

When experimenting with this sample, you should create new resource groups to avoid accidentally deleting resources

If you use an existing resource group, please make sure to apply resource locks to avoid accidentally deleting resources

# create the resource groups
az group create -n ${Name}-rg -l ${Location}

Create Azure Key Vault

  • All secrets are stored in Azure Key Vault for security
## create the KV
az keyvault create -g ${Name}-rg -n ${Name}-kv

Setup Azure Container Registry

  • Create the Container Registry with admin access disabled
# create the ACR
az acr create --sku Standard --admin-enabled false -g ${Name}-rg -n $Name

Create the AKS Cluster

# note: if you see the following failure, navigate to your .azure\ directory
# and delete the file "aksServicePrincipal.json":
#    Waiting for AAD role to propagate[################################    ]  90.0000%Could not create a
#    role assignment for ACR. Are you an Owner on this subscription?

az aks create --name ${Name}-aks --resource-group ${Name}-rg --location ${Location} --enable-cluster-autoscaler --min-count 3 --max-count 6 --node-count 3 --kubernetes-version 1.17.11 --attach-acr $Name  --no-ssh-key --enable-managed-identity

az aks get-credentials -n ${Name}-aks -g ${Name}-rg

# Test if you can get nodes
kubectl get nodes

Create Service Bus

# Create SB Namespace

az servicebus namespace create -g ${Name}-rg -n ${Name}-sb-ns

# Create SB Topic

az servicebus topic create -g ${Name}-rg --namespace-name ${Name}-sb-ns -n ${Name}-sb-topic

# Create SB Subscription

az servicebus topic subscription create -g $Name-rg --namespace-name $Name-sb-ns --topic-name ${Name}-sb-topic -n ${Name}-sb-sub

# Get SB Access Key

export SB_Access_Key='az servicebus namespace authorization-rule keys list -g $Name-rg --namespace-name $Name-sb-ns --name RootManageSharedAccessKey -o tsv --query primaryConnectionString'

Save Service Bus Config to Key Vault

az keyvault secret set -o table --vault-name ${Name}-kv --name "ServiceBusConn" --value $(eval $SB_Access_Key)
az keyvault secret set -o table --vault-name ${Name}-kv --name "ServiceBusTopic" --value ${Name}-sb-topic

Set Up Managed Identity

helm repo add aad-pod-identity

./helm/servicebus/ -a ${Name}-aks -r ${Name}-rg -m ${Name}-mi -k ${Name}-kv

Build and Push Docker Image

docker build . -t ${Name}

az acr login -n $Name

docker push ${Name}

Modify Values in YAML

# MacOS users: sed inplace isn't compatible
# Mac Users: brew install gsed
# Mac Users: alias sed='gsed'

sed -i "s/%%Name%%/${Name}/g" helm/servicebus/helm-config.yaml && \
sed -i "s/%%KV_TenantID%%/$(az account show --query id -o tsv)/g" helm/servicebus/helm-config.yaml

Helm Install CSI Driver and Service Bus

helm repo add csi-secrets-store-provider-azure

helm install csi-provider csi-secrets-store-provider-azure/csi-secrets-store-provider-azure

helm install servicebus helm/servicebus -f helm/servicebus/helm-config.yaml

Checking Install

# Check whether the servicebus pods are running
# Example output:
# servicebus-6b7956d7bf-hsj9h  1/1   Running   0    2m12s
kubectl get pods | grep servicebus

# Check whether kubernetes secrets are created
kubectl get secrets | grep sb 

# Exec into pods to see secrets
kubectl exec -it `kubectl get pods | grep servicebus | awk '{print $1}'` -- /bin/sh
ls /mnt/secrets-store

Clean up

az group delete --no-wait -y -n ${Name}-rg


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