Starred repositories
Karstnet is a python3 project providing tools for the statistical analysis of karstic networks.
Slides and code for the Stable Isotope Mixing Models course given by Andrew Parnell and Andrew Jackson
Python package to interface with the USGS StreamStats API
AWS Entwine Point Tiles USGS LiDAR Public Dataset GitHub repo
Uses USGS/MERIT Basin data to visualize the path of a rain droplet to its endpoint.
This repository stores USGS Community Sensor Model (CSM) camera models
Parallel processing of the ARL wind data as forcing for HYSPLIT
Spatial and temporal analysis of trajectory endpoint data from NOAA's HYSPLIT model
Use Python to plot meteorological data from HYSPLIT clustering
Applications of the NOAA hysplit model for climate science.
Implementation of HySPLIT based trajectory modeling and analysis in python.
Trying to compute the PBL using hysplit
hysplit-py is intended to become a wrapper for NOAA's HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model)
Small set of tools for using the downloable version of HYSPLIT from python. Contains code for running, reading output, and plotting trajectories.
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