I. Liscense
This code is distributed under the Beerware liscense. Any individual is free to do as they please with
this source under the condition that if they ever meet the author and they like the code, then they
buy him a beer.
II. General Usage
No device has ever caused me as much frustration as the NRF24L01 transceiver. It is HIGHLY sensitive to
to its power source, so much that I could not get it to work with a variable DC power supply, even with
multiple capacitors inline. If you are powering the NRF24L01 with anything other than the Arduino source,
make sure it has a nice clean source.
The included example code demonstrates the basic functionality of sending and receiving, including an
interrupt handler. If the user intends to deviate much from this code, I would recommend reviewing the
NRF's datasheet to get a basic understanding its functionality.