Python-implementation-of-Gray-Wolf-Optimizer-and-Improved-Gray-Wolf-Optimizer Public
Forked from matikuto/Python-implementation-of-Gray-Wolf-Optimizer-and-Improved-Gray-Wolf-OptimizerImplementation of GWO and i-GWO with Python 3.9
Python UpdatedJul 23, 2021 -
mealpy Public
Forked from thieu1995/mealpyA collection of the state-of-the-art MEta-heuristics ALgorithms in PYthon (mealpy)
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 1, 2021 -
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Forked from ml-tooling/best-of-ml-python🏆 A ranked list of awesome machine learning Python libraries. Updated weekly.
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Forked from openai/gpt-3GPT-3: Language Models are Few-Shot Learners
UpdatedSep 18, 2020 -
Feature-Selection-for-Machine-Learning Public
Forked from anujdutt9/Feature-Selection-for-Machine-LearningMethods with examples for Feature Selection during Pre-processing in Machine Learning.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 24, 2020 -
ann_fsl Public
Forked from nvecoven/ann_fslFeature selection with deep neural networks
Python UpdatedMay 20, 2020 -
Feature-Selection-K-Means-and-Expected-Maximization-for-SGEMM-and-Australian-Weather-Dataset Public
Forked from manikandan1408/Feature-Selection-K-Means-and-Expected-Maximization-for-SGEMM-and-Australian-Weath...To implement Feature selection, Dimensionality Reduction and use these features in Principal Component Analysis, Independent Component Analysis and Random Component Analysis for K Means, Expected M…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 13, 2020 -
FeatureSelection Public
Forked from kibetmasi/FeatureSelectionEmbedded L1 Numerical FS with One Hot Encoding
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 11, 2020 -
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Forked from sudharsan13296/Hands-On-Reinforcement-Learning-With-PythonMaster Reinforcement and Deep Reinforcement Learning using OpenAI Gym and TensorFlow
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 17, 2020 -
What is Feature selection? As the name suggests, it is a process of selecting the most significant and relevant features from a vast set of features in the given dataset. For a dataset with d input…
python-string-similarity Public
Forked from luozhouyang/python-string-similarityA library implementing different string similarity and distance measures using Python.
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 2, 2020 -
coursera Public
Forked from words-sdsc/courseraData sets and scripts for Coursera Big Data Specialization.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 7, 2020 -
Tutorials Public
Forked from Auquan/TutorialsIpython notebooks for math and finance tutorials
Ensemble-classifier Public
Forked from ArjunCB28/Ensemble-classifierDeep neural network classifier that uses auto-encoders for feature selection. The primary objective is to evaluate the performance difference between regular classification models with topic modeli…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 25, 2020 -
Stats-Maths-with-Python Public
Forked from tirthajyoti/Stats-Maths-with-PythonGeneral statistics, mathematical programming, and numerical/scientific computing scripts and notebooks in Python
Math-of-Machine-Learning-Course-by-Siraj Public
Forked from hammadshaikhha/Data-Science-and-Machine-Learning-from-ScratchImplements common data science methods and machine learning algorithms from scratch in python. Intuition and theory behind the algorithms is also discussed.
Email-Fraud-NLP- Public
A simple 0️⃣1️⃣ classifier employing various 💬 NLP and text processing 💬 techniques to flag fraudulent 📧
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 13, 2020 -
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Forked from coding-blocks-archives/machine-learning-online-2018ML Online Course Repository. Course videos on online.codingblocks.com
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Forked from jphall663/interpretable_machine_learning_with_pythonExamples of techniques for training interpretable ML models, explaining ML models, and debugging ML models for accuracy, discrimination, and security.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJan 20, 2020 -
java-string-similarity Public
Forked from tdebatty/java-string-similarityImplementation of various string similarity and distance algorithms: Levenshtein, Jaro-winkler, n-Gram, Q-Gram, Jaccard index, Longest Common Subsequence edit distance, cosine similarity ...
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Forked from hrnbot/Basic-Mathematics-for-Machine-LearningThe motive behind Creating this repo is to feel the fear of mathematics and do what ever you want to do in Machine Learning , Deep Learning and other fields of AI
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Forked from Sundar0989/XuniVersexverse (XuniVerse) is collection of transformers for feature engineering and feature selection
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Forked from HussainAther/machinelearningclustering, regression, classification, deep learning, neural networks, exploratory data analysis, feature selection
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Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 13, 2019 -
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python-bigdata Public
Forked from phelps-sg/python-bigdataData science and Big Data with Python
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 11, 2019 -
MaliciousURLDetection Public
Forked from liruochen1998/MaliciousURLDetectionUsing machine learning algorithms to detect and identify malicious URLs
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 9, 2019