Light weight code based on the library from Luxonis for OAK-D cameras. ROS2 video streaming based on OAK-D cameras. Uses Executors concept for the multithread support on this library. Executors helps in simultaneous spin of ros2 nodes.
- Publishing of RGB Camera stream over ROS2 topics
- Support for Multiple Cameras
- Support for multithreaded streaming on ROS2 topics Tested with four simultaneous OAK-D lite RGB cameras.
- ROS2 [tested on humble, shouls work on other distributions]
- Python: >3.9
Install the ROS2 (Tested on ROS2 Humble)
Install the required tools with the given script.
Change the USB rules by running the command
echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03e7", MODE="0666"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/80-movidius.rules
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
Test the code by running the demo code
This should output the camera stream with RGB and depth camera windows. Install cv-bridge to support the multicam code
sudo apt-get install ros-(ROS version name)-cv-bridge
Now run the supported code
You should be able to see /videoX
topics when you run ros2 topic list
in a new terminal.