By ex Telegram developer that just want to keep talking to family and friends.
docker run --restart always -d --name telegram-proxy -p 1080:1080 ex3ndr/telegram-proxy
or with custom credentials
docker run --restart always -d --name telegram-proxy -e SOCKS_USER=telegram -e SOCKS_PASSWORD=telegram -p 1080:1080 ex3ndr/telegram-proxy
or with custom multi-user credentials stored in JSON file
docker run --restart always -d --name telegram-proxy -v ~/socks-credentials.json:/credentials.json -e SOCKS_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/credentials.json -p 1080:1080 ex3ndr/telegram-proxy
Sample credentials.json
"user1": "password1",
"user2": "password2",
"user3": "password3"
or if you want to allow only specific ip addresses as destination for proxy
docker run --restart always -d --name telegram-proxy -e "SOCKS_WHITELIST=,," -p 1080:1080 ex3ndr/telegram-proxy
Email me ([email protected]) with public IP address of your server and i will include your address to our community-supported pool.
Public Domain