Grupo Vista
- São Paulo -BR
langflow Public
Forked from langflow-ai/langflow⛓️ Langflow is a visual framework for building multi-agent and RAG applications. It's open-source, Python-powered, fully customizable, model and vector store agnostic.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 9, 2024 -
app-ideas Public
Forked from florinpop17/app-ideasA Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills.
material_laravel_asstes Public
Material Design assets para usar com Laravel
docker-lamp-stack Public
Docker LAMP Stack for Web developers
akaunting Public
Forked from akaunting/akauntingFree and Online Accounting Software
sped-nfe Public
Forked from nfephp-org/sped-nfeAPI para geração e comunicação das NFe com as SEFAZ autorizadoras
materialize Public
Forked from Dogfalo/materializeMaterialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design
API-3.0-PHP Public
Forked from SomosAMambo/API-3.0-PHPSDK PHP da API 3.0 da Cielo
laravelgooglemaps Public
Forked from farhanwazir/laravelgooglemapsLaravel Google Maps Package
sped-nfse Public
Forked from robmachado/sped-nfseFramework para geração RPS e comunicação das NFSe com as Prefeituras Municipais
google-analytics Public
Forked from GoogleWebComponents/google-analyticsGoogle Analytics web components
dashboards Public
Forked from keen/dashboardsResponsive dashboard templates for Bootstrap
Cart-Mart Public
Forked from cosmocommerce/Cart-MartCart Mart will convert your Magento Store to Multivendor Marketplace, which will have a separate vendor / seller section for their Products.
php-twig Public
Forked from reesef/php-twigThis is a conversion of Anomareh / PHP-Twig.tmbundle for atom
web-starter-kit Public
Forked from google/web-starter-kitGoogle Web Starter Kit (Beta)
ATT_APIPlatform_SampleApps Public
Forked from Dhramveer/ATT_APIPlatform_SampleAppsAT&T APIPlatform Sample Applications
Mobile-Detect Public
Forked from serbanghita/Mobile-DetectMobile_Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets). It uses the User-Agent string combined with specific HTTP headers to detect the mobile environment.
api-samples Public
Forked from youtube/api-samplesCode samples for YouTube APIs, including the YouTube Data API, YouTube Analytics API, and YouTube Live Streaming API. The repo contains language-specific directories that contain the samples.
voice-elements Public
Forked from zenorocha/voice-elementsWeb Component wrapper to the Web Speech API, that allows you to do voice recognition and speech synthesis using Polymer
java-speech-api Public
Forked from lkuza2/java-speech-apiThe J.A.R.V.I.S. Speech API is designed to be simple and efficient, using the speech engines created by Google to provide functionality for parts of the API. Essentially, it is an API written in Ja…
CarTracker Public
Forked from existdissolve/CarTrackerExample MVC App for ExtJS 4.2.0
Ext.ux.SpeechRecognition Public
Forked from existdissolve/Ext.ux.SpeechRecognitionAn Ext JS 4 wrapper for the webkit Speech Recognition (speech-to-text) API
magento-admin-theme Public
Forked from jreinke/magento-admin-themeGive your Magento Admin Panel a facelift.
SpeechAppFrame Public
Forked from dadahl/SpeechAppFrameA simple PhoneGap application that access Android speech recognition and TTS