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πŸ¦€ CS concepts and design patterns

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πŸ“‘ networking

πŸ› οΈ tools:

  • tokio
  • impl riker actor for each socket connection
  • libp2p pub/sub stack based on tokio tcp and udp with borsh and serde
  • zmq pub/sub socket for async I/O event streaming like audio and video
  • rpc capnp
  • hyper
  • juniper gql

🎭 actor concepts:

  • mailbox to receive async messages from other actors or other functions inside different part of the app
  • pub/sub channels for broadcasting, executing and scheduling async tasks using tokio cron scheduler
  • tokio worker green threadpool to run task in other threads using tokio::spawn(async move{})
  • rpc capnp based communication with outside world actors to call each other methods directly
  • tokio message queue channles like mpsc and oneshot for sharing Arc<Mutex>: Send + Sync + 'static between threads and different parts of the app
  • tokio event loop using tokio::select!{} to select an async I/O event task

πŸ’‘ concepts:

  • distributed (replication and sharding) and decentralized concepts:
    • search, db and routing engines like elastic, cassandra and p2p kademlia:
    • create best objective function to find the most rewarded (less cost actions) path in the network graph env (route planning) greedily using:
    • hybrid tech algorithms like NN, GA 🧬 and neurofuzzy(ANFIS)
    • gradient optimization methods like stochastic gradient descent
    • none gradient optimization methods like GA and FA
    • graph theory and heuristic search algorithms like DAG, dijkstras, floyd, bellman, DFS, BFS and A*
    • reinforcement learning algorithms like qlearning using mdp and bellman equation with off and on policy methods based on markov decision process and markov chain
    • other algorithms using greedy, dynamic programming, backtracking, divide and conquer, recursive and brute forcing methods
    • hashmap based algos like hash tables (DHT) to find closest peers to a specific range of key inside a replication like cassandra db and p2p nodes
    • rpc capnp for actor method based communication on two different machines like calling between smart contract actors
    • tokio tcp and udp and jobq channels for sharing Arc<Mutex>: Send + Sync + 'static between actor threads in a same machine
    • actor tokio worker green threadpool and message queue for task and method broadcasting and scheduling to the pub/sub channels (tokio jobq, socket or rpc)
    • pub/sub and other zmq socket actors to broadcast from publishers to subscribers (m2m) using sockets
    • in libp2p peers can find each other using either mDNS (over LAN) or kademlia (over WAN)
    • in libp2p peers can communicate with each other based on pub/sub floodsub or gossipsub protocols on top of rpc capnp, tokio udp and tcp, websocket, webrtc, zmq like sockets (req/res, cli/srv or pub/sub) actors
  • proxy, firewall, vpns, packet sniffer and load balancer like pingora, HAproxy, v2ray and wireshark for all layers concepts:
    • v2ray and tor protocols
    • decompress encoded packet
    • cpu task scheduling,
    • weighted round robin dns,
    • vector clock,
    • event loop
    • iptables
    • zmq pub/sub
    • simd divide and conquer based vectorization

πŸ—οΈ system

πŸ’‘ concepts:

  • compiler, vm using llvm and os
  • streaming of async I/O events compression and ram (buffer) algos like deflate, lz4 and snappy
  • data serialization codec and protocols like borsh, bson, serde, capnp and gql
  • runtime
  • video and audio codec, compressor and streamer like ffmpeg
  • cryptography
  • bridge between blockchains
  • language binding like writing rust code on top of apis of the compiled (.so) code in c like rust bindings to libsodium

πŸ€– AI

πŸ’‘ SSL (Self Supervised Learning) concepts:

  • health improvement based on a pattern mining approach and semantic attributes like
    • predicting missing part of the unseen input based on the exact style of the input
    • reconstructing and labeling the unseen input based on the exact style of the input
  • feature or representation learning and extracting from the data itself
  • feature or representation selection using dimensionality reduction algorithms like GA, TSNE, PCA & VAE
  • extracting semantic attributes from the input for 0/1/few/n-shot learning
  • autoregressive based sequence modeling to predict the future based on past events and behaviors
  • anomaly detection, 0/1/few/n-shot and meta learning
  • solving catastrophic forgetting problem using MemTransformer instead of MANN with NTM architecture LSTM based
  • FF algorithm as an alternative to gradient descent

πŸ› οΈ models and tools

πŸ’‘ NLP concepts:

  • πŸ› οΈ preprocessing
    • tokenization
    • Lexicon Normalization(stemming & lemmatization)
    • lowercasing
    • stopwwords removal
    • padding
  • πŸ“„ vocabulary building, word embedding, vectorization, feature extraction and semantic analysis
    • BOW(ngram based with TF-IDF normalization)
    • Word2Vec(skip-gram & CBOW based)
    • GloVe
    • GPT
    • BERT
    • BART
  • πŸ“ˆ models and statistical results
    • ML models like SVM, Naive Bayesian, Random Forest and Logistic Regression
    • DL models like LSTM(MLP+CNN), Transformers and Attentions
    • classification confusion matrix


πŸ¦€ CS concepts and design patterns






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