Goal of example is to show how create reactive REST services on Lightbend stack with Akka and Slick.
Example contains complete REST service for entity interaction.
- CRUD operations
- Entity partial updates
- CORS support
- Authentication with JWT tokens
- Test coverage with ScalaTest
- Migrations with FlyWay
- Ready for Docker
- Testing with in-memory postgres instance that launch automatically
- HikaryCP as connection pool
- JDK 8 (e.g. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html);
- sbt (http://www.scala-sbt.org/release/docs/Getting-Started/Setup.html);
This application is fully tested with Unit and IT tests.
You don't need to launch server locally for development.
My recommendation is to write a test before changes and work via TDD.
To ensure that application working properly, you should run it: sbt test
All business logic is located in core
package, every package inside is related to some domain.
Service classes contains high level logic that related to data manipulation,
that means that service MUST NOT implement storaging and querying for the data.
For storaging there are Storage classes that always have interface with two implementation, production one and
in-memory one. That's needed to fasten tests of services and make it independent from each other.
There are Scalafmt integrated to the project. Its a opinionated code formatter that
formats a code automatically instead of you. To use it, please run sbt scalafmt
before commit or enable format on save
in IntelijIdea (should be available in other editors too).
To generate code coverage report, please run: sbt clean coverage test coverageReport
Then you will have HTML pages with reports in /target/scala-2.12/scoverage-report
Application packaging implemented via sbt-native-packager plugin.
Currently in build.sbt
enabled two types: docker and universal.
Universal packager
To package application as a universal app, use: sbt universal:packageBin
Application zip archive will be generated in /target/universal/
Docker packager
To package application as docker image, use sbt docker:publishLocal
It will generate and push application image into your local docker store.
For information about publishing to external store, please, read plugin documentation.
If you want to launch application locally (its not recommended) you need to start Postgres instance locally and fulfill some env variables:
- url to your databaseJDBC_USER
- database usernameJDBC_PASSWORD
- database password
After that, just run sbt run
and enjoy hacking. For better expirience you can use sbt reStart
that will give you ability to
restart application without restarting of sbt.
Easiest way to deliver your application, is to do it with docker. Publish image into the store and then use
docker-compose file with structure like in docker-compose.yml
Application deployed on heroku and can be accessed by URL http://akka-http-rest.herokuapp.com/.
First request can take some time, because heroku launch up project.
You can see documentation for this example on Apiary.
Copyright (C) 2017 Arthur Kushka.
Distributed under the MIT License.
Wanna ask me something or stay in touch?
Follow my Twitter @arhelmus