The web site for Aurelia.
It assumes you have aurelia/blog
repo cloned in sibling folder. If your current
project path is my-projects/
, the blog repo should be in my-projects/blog/
For Windows users, this shell script runs fine in Git Bash.
The script,
- clean up existing
folder. - shadow clone into
. - use
npm instsall
to install (checkpackage.json
- all published Aurelia 1 core modules
- the latest
Note this is a static web site served through GitHub Pages, you don't have to rebuild the site unless you want to publish updated aurelia/documentation or latest APIs doc for core modules.
npx au-site generate
npx au-site
ensures it uses the local installedaurelia/site-generator
This is the most common task.
make sure your sibling
repo is up to date. -
Run either:
npx au-site blog publish [file]
The "file" is a file name in
to make sure running locally installedau-site
provided by aurelia/site-generator.Or:
npm run blog
and choose the blogs you wish to publish.
The above step will move the draft file from drafts folder to published folder. Make sure to commit the change to aurelia/blog repo.
The above command will also build a new blog page in current project. Commit the change to publish to GitHub pages.
You rarely need to do this. Use it only if you know what you are doing.
# Remove all blog pages first.
rm -rf blog/
# Rebuild all from the sibling blog repo
npx au-site blog update --all
This only rebuild all blog pages for the published blogs, not the drafts.