turbo install
In the apps/web
folder, copy the env.example to env.local and enter the environment values
In the packages/database
, copy the env.example to .env and enter the DATABASE_URL
turbo dev
- ReactJS
- TypeScript
- NextJS 14 - App router and server actions
- next-auth
- Prisma ORM
- Postgres
- Turborepo
- TailwindCSS
- shadcn
- next-themes
- Zod validation
- React Form Hook
- Tsup
- EditorJs
- react-toastify
- react-textarea-autosize
- lucide-react icon
- dayjs
- Eslint
- Husky
- Prettier
- Register by email or github
- Login by email, github or magic link
- User logout
- CRUD post
- List post: Search & filter by top or hot week, month, year, infinity
- Like post
- Comment on post
- Share post
- Manage tag
- Follow user
- Multiple theme & dark mode or light mode
- Multiple language
- Follow tag
- Manage user profile
- Multiple type: post/question
- Dashboard
- CRUD tags
- CRUD users
- Manage posts
- Manage images
- Settings: Header/Menu
[1][DEV NOTE] Initial turbo project and add tailwindcss library
[2][DEV NOTE] Integrate prisma and postgres database
[3][DEV NOTE] Create a form with tiptap and react-textarea-autosize