Modular, easy-to-use (yet powerful) boilerplate for building MEAN-powered apps & sites.
This boilerplate includes:
- Full MEAN Stack usage (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS & NodeJS)
- MVC structure
- YAML configuration capabilities
- nodemon script for startup/development
- Coffeescript as main scripting language
- LESS as main styling language
- IE Fixes
- Bower usage
- Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery, Angular-Resource (for AngularJS) & Font-Awesome included by default
- Built-in error handling
- SEO Optimizations
- Built-in crypted-auth restriction for accesing admin-only content
- Built-in multi-thread support (clusterization)
It's worth to mention that the boilerplate uses the latest stable version available from all of it's dependencies/libraries on each project creation, and this repository gets constantly updated so the boilerplate can keep up with non-backward compatible changes and/or deprecations as they surge. This project it's meant to be production-focused, so use it with confidence ;)
Assuming you already have the needed MEAN Stack pieces installed on your computer/server (MongoDB, NodeJS & ExpressJS); plus Git and Bower, just run:
1. git clone MY_APP
2. cd MY_APP
3. git init
4. npm install
5. bower install
Replacing MY_APP with the name of the app/site you wanna create... To see your newly created app in action, just run:
npm start
From inside your app's folder and then open in your browser.
Created by: @Jmlevick
License: Coffeeware