Since 2022, the development of Enve has stalled. I recommend using friction, which is a fork of enve.
Download Link
Click on the "Code" button in green. Click "Download zip" from the drop-down menu.and extract it. Open extracted folder. There are two versions available. If Version 1.0 does not work, try Version 2.0.
Copy all files from "Version 1.0" or "Version 2.0" (all frag and gre) to C:\Users<Username>.enve\ShaderEffects
Copy all files from "Version 1.0" or "Version 2.0" (all frag and gre)to /home/username/.enve/ShaderEffects
Copy all files from "Version 1.0" or "Version 2.0" (all frag and gre)to
Two ways to install
Using Installer
Note "there are options for choosing version 1.0 or version 2.0. First try version 2.0; if it does not work, uninstall. and install again using version 1.0 as an option"
Manual Installation
Copy all files from "Version 1.0" or "Version 2.0" (all frag and gre) to C:\Users<Username>\AppData\Local\friction\ShaderEffects
Select the layer right click on it. Actions --> Raster Effects --> There you go
any errors? Let us know. Contributions are welcome if you know GLSL.