=== Meteor Kitchen plugins for generate custom component by using doT template engine
Plugin help generate custom code of component without create new plugin for new type of component Beside that, we can create ui library and reuse it.
cd $HOME/.meteor-kitchen/plugins
git clone https://github.com/baysao/meteorkitchen-template-plugins.git template
cd template
npm install
###Define component: Type component is "template" There is 2 main properties:
- type: "template
- template_data: json data structure of your component
In template_data JSON, you can describe template name (template name will search in template directories) and json data that will apply for context of template. Beside that, you can break you component in smaller ones by using property components
Template name will search in order and return first found. Here is the list
var default_templates_dirs = [
path.join(env['PWD'], 'files', 'templates'),
path.join(env['HOME'], '.meteor-kitchen', 'plugins', 'template', 'ui'),
path.join(env['HOME'], '.meteor-kitchen', 'templates', 'ui', 'bootstrap3', 'components')
Please view example here Ex:
"template_data": {
"name": "tabsComponent", // name of template
"template": "tabs", // name of templates, this name will search in templates directory default file tabs.html and tabs.js
"data":"{{> contentTab2}}"
"components": [ // more nested components, mainly use as a partial of component
"name": "contentTab2",
"template": "simple",
"data": "content of Tab2"