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marcmerlin committed May 5, 2023
1 parent 0733d47 commit d9595ba
Showing 1 changed file with 345 additions and 0 deletions.
345 changes: 345 additions & 0 deletions FastLED/PolarBasics/PolarBasics.ino
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
// Polar basics demo for the
// FastLED Podcast #2
// VO.1 preview version
// by Stefan Petrick 2023
// This code is licenced under a
// Creative Commons Attribution
// License CC BY-NC 3.0

#include <FastLED.h>
#include <FLOAT.h>

#define WIDTH 16 // how many LEDs are in one row?
#define HEIGHT 16 // how many rows?
#define NUM_LEDS ((WIDTH) * (HEIGHT))

float runtime; // elapse ms since startup
float newdist, newangle; // parameters for image reconstruction
float z; // 3rd dimension for the 3d noise function
float offset_x, offset_y; // wanna shift the cartesians during runtime?
float scale_x, scale_y; // cartesian scaling in 2 dimensions
float dist, angle; // the actual polar coordinates

int x, y; // the cartesian coordiantes
int num_x = WIDTH; // horizontal pixel count
int num_y = HEIGHT; // vertical pixel count

// Background for setting the following 2 numbers: the FastLED inoise16() function returns
// raw values ranging from 0-65535. In order to improve contrast we filter this output and
// stretch the remains. In histogram (photography) terms this means setting a blackpoint and
// a whitepoint. low_limit MUST be smaller than high_limit.

uint16_t low_limit = 30000; // everything lower drawns in black
// higher numer = more black & more contrast present
uint16_t high_limit = 50000; // everything higher gets maximum brightness & bleeds out
// lower number = the result will be more bright & shiny

float center_x = (num_x / 2) - 0.5; // the reference point for polar coordinates
float center_y = (num_y / 2) - 0.5; // (can also be outside of the actual xy matrix)
//float center_x = 20; // the reference point for polar coordinates
//float center_y = 20;

CRGB leds[WIDTH * HEIGHT]; // framebuffer

float theta [WIDTH] [HEIGHT]; // look-up table for all angles
float distance[WIDTH] [HEIGHT]; // look-up table for all distances
float vignette[WIDTH] [HEIGHT];
float inverse_vignette[WIDTH] [HEIGHT];

float spd; // can be used for animation speed manipulation during runtime

float show1, show2, show3, show4, show5; // to save the rendered values of all animation layers
float red, green, blue; // for the final RGB results after the colormapping

float c, d, e, f; // factors for oscillators
float linear_c, linear_d, linear_e, linear_f; // linear offsets
float angle_c, angle_d, angle_e, angle_f; // angle offsets
float noise_angle_c, noise_angle_d, noise_angle_e, noise_angle_f; // angles based on linear noise travel
float dir_c, dir_d, dir_e, dir_f; // direction multiplicators

void setup() {

Serial.begin(115200); // check serial monitor for current fps count

// Teensy users: make sure to use the hardware SPI pins 11 & 13
// for best performance

FastLED.addLeds<APA102, 11, 13, BGR, DATA_RATE_MHZ(12)>(leds, NUM_LEDS);

// FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, 13>(leds, NUM_LEDS);

render_polar_lookup_table(); // precalculate all polar coordinates
// to improve the framerate
render_vignette_table(9.5); // the number is the desired radius in pixel
// WIDTH/2 generates a circle

void loop() {

// set speedratios for the offsets & oscillators

spd = 0.05 ;
c = 0.013 ;
d = 0.017 ;
e = 0.2 ;
f = 0.007 ;

calculate_oscillators(); // get linear offsets and oscillators going

// ...and now let's generate a frame

for (x = 0; x < num_x; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < num_y; y++) {

// pick polar coordinates from look the up table

dist = distance [x] [y];
angle = theta [y] [x];

// Generation of one layer. Explore the parameters and what they do.

scale_x = 10000; // smaller value = zoom in, bigger structures, less detail
scale_y = 10000; // higher = zoom out, more pixelated, more detail
z = 0; // must be >= 0
newangle = angle + angle_c;
newdist = dist;
offset_x = 0; // must be >=0
offset_y = 0; // must be >=0

show1 = render_pixel();

// Colormapping - Assign rendered values to colors

red = show1;
green = 0;
blue = 0;

// Check the final results.
// Discard faulty RGB values & write the valid results into the framebuffer.




// check serial monitor for current performance data
EVERY_N_MILLIS(500) report_performance();

//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------end main loop --------------------

void calculate_oscillators() {

runtime = millis(); // save elapsed ms since start up

runtime = runtime * spd; // global anaimation speed

linear_c = runtime * c; // some linear rising offsets 0 to max
linear_d = runtime * d;
linear_e = runtime * e;
linear_f = runtime * f;

angle_c = fmodf(linear_c, 2 * PI); // some cyclic angle offsets 0 to 2*PI
angle_d = fmodf(linear_d, 2 * PI);
angle_e = fmodf(linear_e, 2 * PI);
angle_f = fmodf(linear_f, 2 * PI);

dir_c = sinf(angle_c); // some direction oscillators -1 to 1
dir_d = sinf(angle_d);
dir_e = sinf(angle_e);
dir_f = sinf(angle_f);

uint16_t noi;
noi = inoise16(10000 + linear_c * 100000); // some noise controlled angular offsets
noise_angle_c = map_float(noi, 0, 65535 , 0, 4*PI);
noi = inoise16(20000 + linear_d * 100000);
noise_angle_d = map_float(noi, 0, 65535 , 0, 4*PI);
noi = inoise16(30000 + linear_e * 100000);
noise_angle_e = map_float(noi, 0, 65535 , 0, 4*PI);
noi = inoise16(40000 + linear_f * 100000);
noise_angle_f = map_float(noi, 0, 65535 , 0, 4*PI);

// given a static polar origin we can precalculate
// all the (expensive) polar coordinates

void render_polar_lookup_table() {

for (int xx = 0; xx < num_x; xx++) {
for (int yy = 0; yy < num_y; yy++) {

float dx = xx - center_x;
float dy = yy - center_y;

distance[xx] [yy] = hypotf(dx, dy);
theta[xx] [yy] = atan2f(dy, dx);


// calculate distance and angle of the point relative to
// the polar origin defined by center_x & center_y

void get_polar_values() {

// calculate current cartesian distances (deltas) from polar origin point

float dx = x - center_x;
float dy = y - center_y;

// calculate distance between current point & polar origin
// (length of the origin vector, pythgorean theroem)
// dist = sqrt((dx*dx)+(dy*dy));

dist = hypotf(dx, dy);

// calculate the angle
// (where around the polar origin is the current point?)

angle = atan2f(dy, dx);

// done, that's all we need

// convert polar coordinates back to cartesian
// & render noise value there

float render_pixel() {

// convert polar coordinates back to cartesian ones

float newx = (offset_x + center_x - (cosf(newangle) * newdist)) * scale_x;
float newy = (offset_y + center_y - (sinf(newangle) * newdist)) * scale_y;

// render noisevalue at this new cartesian point

uint16_t raw_noise_field_value = inoise16(newx, newy, z);

// a lot is happening here, namely
// A) enhance histogram (improve contrast) by setting the black and white point
// B) scale the result to a 0-255 range
// it's the contrast boosting & the "colormapping" (technically brightness mapping)

if (raw_noise_field_value < low_limit) raw_noise_field_value = low_limit;
if (raw_noise_field_value > high_limit) raw_noise_field_value = high_limit;

float scaled_noise_value = map_float(raw_noise_field_value, low_limit, high_limit, 0, 255);

return scaled_noise_value;

// done, we've just rendered one color value for one single pixel

// float mapping maintaining 32 bit precision
// we keep values with high resolution for potential later usage

float map_float(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max) {

float result = (x-in_min) * (out_max-out_min) / (in_max-in_min) + out_min;
if (result < out_min) result = out_min;
if( result > out_max) result = out_max;

return result;

// Avoid any possible color flicker by forcing the raw RGB values to be 0-255.
// This enables to play freely with random equations for the colormapping
// without causing flicker by accidentally missing the valid target range.

void rgb_sanity_check() {

// rescue data if possible: when negative return absolute value
if (red < 0) red = abs(red);
if (green < 0) green = abs(green);
if (blue < 0) blue = abs(blue);

// discard everything above the valid 0-255 range
if (red > 255) red = 255;
if (green > 255) green = 255;
if (blue > 255) blue = 255;


// check result after colormapping and store the newly rendered rgb data

void write_pixel_to_framebuffer() {

// the final color values shall not exceed 255 (to avoid flickering pixels caused by >255 = black...)
// negative values * -1


CRGB finalcolor = CRGB(red, green, blue);

// write the rendered pixel into the framebutter
leds[XY(x, y)] = finalcolor;

// find the right led index

uint16_t XY(uint8_t x, uint8_t y) {
if (y & 1) // check last bit
return (y + 1) * WIDTH - 1 - x; // reverse every second line for a serpentine lled layout
return y * WIDTH + x; // use this equation only for a line by line led layout
} // remove the previous 3 lines of code in this case

// make it look nicer - expand low brightness values and compress high brightness values,
// basically we perform gamma curve bending for all 3 color chanels,
// making more detail visible which otherwise tends to get lost in brightness

void adjust_gamma() {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++)
leds[i].r = dim8_video(leds[i].r);
leds[i].g = dim8_video(leds[i].g);
leds[i].b = dim8_video(leds[i].b);

// precalculate a radial brightness mask

void render_vignette_table(float filter_radius) {

for (int xx = 0; xx < num_x; xx++) {
for (int yy = 0; yy < num_y; yy++) {

vignette[xx] [yy] = (filter_radius - distance[xx] [yy]) / filter_radius;
if (vignette[xx] [yy] < 0) vignette[xx] [yy] = 0;

// show current framerate and rendered pixels per second

void report_performance() {

int fps = FastLED.getFPS(); // frames per second
int kpps = (fps * HEIGHT * WIDTH) / 1000; // kilopixel per second

Serial.print(kpps); Serial.print(" kpps ... ");
Serial.print(fps); Serial.print(" fps @ ");
Serial.print(WIDTH*HEIGHT); Serial.println(" LEDs ... ");

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