This proxy expects each CouchDB document to contain a dict called authLayer.
The authLayer dict is expected to contain a number of key:value pairs, where the key is a HTTP request method, and the value is a list of sessions that are allowed access.
("ANY" is an additional key, which will match any HTTP request method).
For example, a document setup for authLayer might look like this:
"_id": "ExampleDocument",
"_rev": "1234567890",
"authLayer": {
"GET": [
"oauth2_provider": "",
"oauth2_uid": 2345678,
"ouath2_nickname": "jane-doe"
"oauth2_provider": "",
"oauth2_uid": 3456789,
"ouath2_nickname": "john-smith"
"ANY": [
"oauth2_provider": "",
"oauth2_uid": 1234567,
"ouath2_nickname": "ben-albon"
In this example, jane-doe and john-smith would be allowed to GET the document, but only ben-albon would be allowed to POST changes to the document.
This proxy is specifically written to integrate with my PHP-PostgreSQL-Session-Handler fork.
If I had more time to dedicate to it, I would have abstracted the session handling into a separate module (to allow for extensibility).
The proxy itself requires only a dict of session_data relating to the provided HTTP cookie. The elements in the CouchDB ACL (see above) are then compared against this session_data dict. If all elements in the ACL match the corresponding elements in the session_data, then access is granted. If any element does not match, then access is denied.
This gives room for a lot of flexibility in access control. For example, the following document allows GET requests from all sessions authenticated using (regardless of user):
"_id": "ExampleDocument",
"_rev": "1234567890",
"authLayer": {
"GET": [
"oauth2_provider": ""
I welcome any pull request that extends this proxy to work with other session handlers :-)
I've included some scripts to create/run your own docker container, but it's probably better to build from the official benaalbon/couchdb-auth-layer:latest.
To do that, create a folder with:
- a configuration file,, that includes your own specific auth-layer configurations
- a Dockerfile that includes
FROM benalbon/couchdb-auth-layer
COPY /usr/src/app/
build the image with
docker build -t my-couchdb-auth-layer .
and you are done - easy