Starting working with Jupyter - we declared basic functionality needed to make Jupyter interactive and ready for processing data.
All magics are agnostic to kernel type and should work on any kernel. Notice that using variables in the magic should declared in python3 context - that means that if you’re using python3 kernel all variables are available in the magic, if you’re using other kernel (PySpark,Spark) you should declare variables with the %%local magic. note that you can apply multiple magics and chain them together.
Install the package using pip (python > 3.6)
pip install jupyter_extra_magics
Or using the github repo:
git clone && cd jupyter-extra-magics && python3 sdist bdist_wheel && pip install dist/pdp_extra_magics*.whl
After having the package installed, you need to modify to autoload the magics when Jupyter instance is loaded:
c = get_config()
c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = ['extra_magics']
Once you configure that, the extra magics are ready to use inside Jupyter instance.
An estimation magic for BQ, this magic can give you the estimated cost & scan of a query usage and parameters:
optional params:
block_cost -
decimal/integer cost ($) blocker to run the query,
if cost is above the amount, Y/N question will be display
block_scan -
integer (GB) blocker to run the query,
if scan is above the amount, Y/N question will be display
dry-run -
Boolean - If the current cell contains %%bigquery magic ?
A magic designed to collect cell execution results and combine notebook results into single EMAIL/SLACK, the magic run immediate and it give us the ability to debug the message while development, each cell output is acceptable as an attachment - Datafream, Plot, String messages.
Using this magic requires having the following environment parameters declared when the Jupyter instance created:
IS_BATCH_JOB - If set to true - the magic takes the required notebook directly from GitHub, if false the magic uses local filesystem to run the notebook
SLACK_API_TOKEN - sending slack notification using slack sdks for more about the web-token inside slack repo link: (
EMAIL_USER - username for smtp connection to send email.
EMAIL_PASS - password for smtp connection to send email.
ENV - current running environment (INT/PROD/INTERACTIVE).
if IS_BATCH_JOB == True (notebooks doesn't exists in the local file system):
GIT_REPO - a git base repository to take the notebooks from.
GITHUB - a GitHub repository to take the notebooks from.
GIT_TOKEN - Token to access the git repo in raw mode.
EMAIL|SLACK - what is the type of the message we want to send
String - how should we notify, a comma separated list
of destinations (example: "[email protected]") or comma
separated channels (example: #channel,#channel_two)
String - the EMAIL header message
String - the email body (will be append before the result-set).
%notify_clean - cleaning the mails loaded until now
show_env - is the env value should be visible in the message header
A magic that enables the ability to run notebook from another notebook, this magic enables us to split the notebooks into sub notebooks and execute them in the same kernel. this is really effective and enables us to create more modular and splittable notebooks . this magic is also working on interactive mode, getting the needed notebook directly from github
**Notice! path to the notebook should be full path in you're local environment not relative!
String, full path the the notebook location.
(example: /full/path/to/other/notebook.ipynb)
String, declared regex for the content of the cell, means that if the if the regex pattern
exists in the cell, the cell will be executed, if not it will be skip execution.
this regex enable us to write "GENERIC" notebook in multiple kernel types, and
use them where needed.
To learn how to setup a development environment and for contribution guidelines, see
See LICENSE for details. Copyright (c) 20202 Ben Mizrahi