Domain Adaptation in Aerial Imagery using C.U.T.
A CUT Approach for Domain Adaptation in Aerial Imagery
An open source react based app to visualize the development COVID-19 pandemic
Vim MATLAB-like cell execution for tmux/ipython
Jupyter Notebooks as Markdown Documents, Julia, Python or R scripts
👏 Modern performant fuzzy picker, tree-sitter highlighting, and more, for both Vim and NeoVim
Bioinformatics analysis scripts, workflows, general code examples
Web site for and source to the Python 3.0 textbook
MiXCR is an ultimate software platform for analysis of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) data for immune profiling.
[DEPRECATED, see] tcR: an R package for immune receptor repertoire advanced data analysis.
A repo to store and sync different profile settings, i.e. .bashrc
Batch download articles based on PMID (Pubmed ID)
Data sets to support the Expert Data Analysis with R workshop