Lemonadejs is a super lightweight reactive vanilla javascript micro-library (6 KBytes). It aims to help the integration between the JavaScript (controllers) and the HTML (view). It supports two-way binding and integrates natively with jSuites to help to create amazing interfaces quicker.
It would help you deliver reusable components and does not require transpilers, babel, or hundreds of other dependencies. It works just fine in any javascript dev environment. LemonadeJS has a quick learning curve and keeps coding fun and very close to native JS.
- Make rich and user-friendly web interfaces and applications
- Handle complicated data inputs with ease and convenience
- Improve the software user experience
- Create rich CRUDS and beautiful UI
- Highly flexible and customizable
- Lightweight and simple to use
Build modern applications with lemonadeJS and node.
See this example on codesandbox
import lemonade from "lemonadejs";
import Hello from "./Hello";
export default function App() {
let self = {};
self.count = 1;
let template = `<div>
<div><Hello /></div>
<p>You clicked {{self.count}} times</p>
<button onclick="self.count++;">Click me</button>
return lemonade.element(template, self, { Hello });
Simplicity to run in the browser without dependencies, servers, transpilers.
<script src="https://lemonadejs.net/v2/lemonade.js"></script>
<div id="root"></div>
function Hello() {
let self = {};
let template = `<h1>Hello World</h1>`;
return lemonade.element(template, self);
function App() {
let self = {};
self.count = 1;
let template = `<div>
<div><Hello /></div>
<p>You clicked {{self.count}} times</p>
<button onclick="self.count++;">Click me</button>
return lemonade.element(template, self, { Hello });
lemonade.render(App, document.getElementById('root'));
import lemonade from "lemonadejs";
export default function Component() {
let self = {};
self.rows = [
{ title:'Google', description: 'The alpha search engine...' },
{ title:'Bind', description: 'The microsoft search engine...' },
{ title:'Duckduckgo', description: 'Privacy in the first place...' },
// Custom components such as List should always be unique inside a real tag.
let template = `<table cellpadding="6">
<tbody @loop="self.rows">
return lemonade.element(template, self);
<script src="https://lemonadejs.net/v2/lemonade.js"></script>
<div id='root'></div>
var Component = (function() {
// Create the self object
var self = {};
self.test = function(e) {
// The property call is added to the observable list when added to the DOM
var template = `<>
<input type="button" value="Click test" onclick="self.test(e);"/>
// Render the template and create the observation
return lemonade.element(template, self);
// Render the LemonadeJS element into the DOM
lemonade.render(Component, document.getElementById('root'));
% npm install lemonadejs
This software is free to use and it is distributed under the MIT license.