This is a simple tool to delete users in a Keycloak realm that are older than a certain number of days or date.
includes today.
will delete all users that are on that date or older than the date specified.
WARNING: This tool is a blunt object, and uses UTC internally, so dates and days may be off by 11hrs or so.
Passing -h
or --help
to the command will display the help for the command.
If you want to bulk delete users who were created more than 30 days ago, you would run :
kc_delete_older_than --days 30
Usage of ./kc_delete_older_than:
-b, --channelBuffer int the number of buffered spaces in the channel buffer (default 10000)
-u, --clientId string The API user that will execute the calls. (default "admin")
-s, --clientRealm clientId The realm in which the clientId exists (default "master")
-p, --clientSecret clientId The secret for the keycloak user defined by clientId (default "admin")
--days int the number of days, after which users are deleted (default -1)
--deleteDate string The date after which users will be deleted. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
-d, --destinationRealm clientRealm The realm in keycloak where the users are to be created. This may or may not be the same as the clientRealm (default "delete")
--dryRun if true, then no users will be deleted, it will just log the outcome.
--headerKey string The header key to use for the login.
--headerValue string The header value to use for the login.
--listOnly if true, then it will only generate a list the users that will be deleted.
--logCmdValues if true, then the command line values will be logged.
--logDir string The logging directory. (default "/tmp")
-z, --loginAsAdmin if true, then it will login as admin user, rather than a client.
--searchMax int The maximum number of users to search through. (default 1000)
--searchMin int The starting number of users to search through.
-t, --threads int the number of threads to run the keycloak import (default 10)
-w, --url string The URL of the keycloak server. (default "")
--useLegacyKeycloak if true, then it will use the legacy keycloak client url.
-v, --validateLoginOnly if true, then it will only validate the login.
--version if true, Then it will show the version.
pflag: help requested
This will connect to the keycloak running locally, on port 8080, and delete all users that are older than 30 days.
kc_user_delete_older \
--loginAsAdmin=true \
--clientId=admin \
--clientSecret=admin \
--days=30 \
--destinationRealm delete \
--searchMax=3000 \
--searchMin=0 \
This tool has to pull down the user to interrogate it, as created timestamp is not something that can be searched.
The user object that is returned from keycloak looks like this:
"id": "63a******3e3e",
"createdTimestamp": 1666940588880,
"username": "testUser",
"enabled": true,
"totp": false,
"emailVerified": false,
"firstName": "Test",
"lastName": "User",
"email": "[email protected]",
"attributes": {
"customA": [
"disableableCredentialTypes": [],
"requiredActions": [],
"access": {
"impersonate": true,
"manage": true,
"manageGroupMembership": true,
"mapRoles": true,
"view": true
The file
is an example of how you could use environment variables to set the configuration. (also seen below)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export KC_CLIENT_ID="admin"
export KC_CLIENT_REALM="master"
export KC_URL=""
export KC_DESTINATION_REALM="delete"
## If you only want to test, then set this to true.
export KC_DRY_RUN="true"
#export KC_DRY_RUN="false"
export KC_USERNAME="admin"
export KC_LOG_DIR="/tmp"
export KC_LOGIN_AS_ADMIN="true"
## Concurrency Settings
export KC_THREADS=10
## Deletion Date settings
#export KC_MAX_AGE_IN_DATE="2020-01-01"
## OR, but not both.
export KC_MAX_AGE_IN_DAYS=30
## Pagination
export KC_PAGE_SIZE=7000
# in the script you could then run: Allowing you to override the environment variables. with say --listonly
# kc_user_delete_older "$@"
kc_user_delete_older --version
[ version=0.0.2-next ]
[ commit=6a******f2 ]
[ buildTime=2023-10-11T00:11:48Z ]
When you call the application, it will tell you some of your config settings, watch this, as it may leak secrets.
[KeyCloak Delete via API Tool (Day/Date Based)]
clientId: admin
clientSecret: admin
clientRealm: master
destinationRealm: delete
loginAsAdmin: false
channelBuffer: 10000
threads: 10
Deletion Criteria
maxDaysInAge: disabled
deleteDate: Disabled
Misc Config
dryRun: false
logCmdValues: false
logDir: /tmp
searchMin: 0
searchMax: 1000
There is a test example called
that you can test with. It assumed you have built the code with goreleaser
λ:> goreleaser release --snapshot --clean
• starting release...
• loading config file file=.goreleaser.yaml
• loading environment variables
• using token from "/home/paul/.config/goreleaser/github_token"
• getting and validating git state
• couldn't find any tags before "0.0.1"
• building... commit=6a31a2158d6b833781fd02e1f9135e1df6405ff2 latest tag=0.0.1
• pipe skipped reason=disabled during snapshot mode
• parsing tag
• setting defaults
• running before hooks
• running hook=go mod tidy
• running hook=go generate ./...
• snapshotting
• building snapshot... version=0.0.2-next
• checking distribution directory
• cleaning dist
• loading go mod information
• build prerequisites
• writing effective config file
• writing config=dist/config.yaml
• building binaries
• building binary=dist/kc_user_delete_older_windows_arm64/kc_user_delete_older.exe
• building binary=dist/kc_user_delete_older_windows_amd64_v1/kc_user_delete_older.exe
• building binary=dist/kc_user_delete_older_linux_amd64_v1/kc_user_delete_older
• building binary=dist/kc_user_delete_older_linux_arm64/kc_user_delete_older
• took: 1s
• archives
• creating archive=dist/
• creating archive=dist/kc_user_delete_older_Linux_arm64.tar.gz
• creating archive=dist/
• creating archive=dist/kc_user_delete_older_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
• took: 1s
• calculating checksums
• storing release metadata
• writing file=dist/artifacts.json
• writing file=dist/metadata.json
• release succeeded after 2s
Many of the settings that are configurable via command line can be set via the OS environment variables.
The following is an example of the
file that you can use to set the environment variables.
(listed below for your reference)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export KC_CLIENT_ID="admin"
export KC_CLIENT_SECRET="password"
export KC_CLIENT_REALM="master"
export KC_URL=""
export KC_DRY_RUN="false"
export KC_USERNAME="admin"
export KC_LOG_DIR="/tmp"
export KC_LOGIN_AS_ADMIN="true"
## Concurrency Settings
export KC_THREADS=6
## Deletion Date settings
#export KC_MAX_AGE_IN_DATE="2020-01-01"
## OR, but not both.
export KC_MAX_AGE_IN_DAYS=30
## Header
export KC_HEADER_VALUE="header-value"
## PAgination
export KC_PAGE_SIZE=1000
# Listing Stuff
export KC_COUNT_ONLY="false"
export KC_LIST_ONLY="true"