Copy systango_hrm plugin to {RAILS_APP}/plugins on your redmine path
Run bundle install –without development test RAILS_ENV=production
Run rake redmine:plugins NAME=systango_hrm RAILS_ENV=production
Run nohup rake jobs:work RAILS_ENV=production &
Run rake task for ‘send reminder email for pending leaves’ and ‘recalculate leaves on holiday calender update’ using below commands:
rake systango_hrm:send_reminder_email_for_pending_leaves
rake systango_hrm:recalculate_leaves_on_holiday_calender_update
rake redmine:plugins NAME=systango_hrm RAILS_ENV=production
rm -r plugins/systango_hrm
Redmine 2.2.4.stable and above
rake db:drop RAILS_ENV=test
rake db:migrate redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
rake redmine:test:plugins:functionals PLUGIN=systango_hrm RAILS_ENV=test
rake redmine:test:plugins:units PLUGIN=systango_hrm RAILS_ENV=test
rake redmine:test:plugins PLUGIN=systango_hrm RAILS_ENV=test
rake db:reset redmine:plugins:migrate test:plugins NAME=systango_hrm RAILS_ENV=test
rake db:drop RAILS_ENV=test && rake db:create db:migrate redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=test && rake test:plugins PLUGIN=systango_hrm RAILS_ENV=test
Create roles and give permission, go to Administration > “Roles and Permissions” where permissions are listed below under “Systango HRM” section.
Note: Assignee with “Final Leave Approval” permission, will have access to all the feature/permission listed in “Systango HRM”.
Create a project, as roles can be assigned only on project.
For each user/group admin need to assign roles which can be done via following steps:
i. User > Select Project > Select Project Name > Select Role
Note: “View holiday calender” is default permission for every user.
Manage designations and leaves entitlements: Assign “Designation” and “Leaves Entitlements” per year to every user.
Manage leave accounts: Admin can create/update leave account for each user.
From here, give “Designation” and “Applicable From”.
Provision for managing eligibility for Maternity leaves.
i. Entitlement Leave is calculated via the formula: (Total entitlements leave for the designation*Number of Months)/12 (This can be used when an employee joins the office in the mid of the year) ii. An employee with joining of after 15th of the month is not entitled to receive leave for that month.
Manage leave categories: Admin can set category of the leaves like: Sick Leave, Personal Leave etc. A suggestion box for user to select one of them while applying leaves.
Manage holiday calendar: Admin can set current year holiday. If a day is set as holiday then there will be no leave deduction for that day.
Manage day in lieu/comp-offs: Admin can add/update/delete the comp-off of the user.
Manage leaves approval hierarchy: Admin can add/remove approvers of the employee.
Manage leaves: Admin/Authorized person can manage (approve/unapprove) the leaves.