A forum software built with ASP.NET Blazor WebAssembly and CQRS.
Documentation: Atles Wiki.
Topic View
Forums Admin
Permission Sets Admin
- Blazor WebAssembly 6.0.1
- Entity Framework Core 6.0.1
- SQL Server
- Post likes
- Topic subscriptions
- User Ranks and Badges (work in progress)
- Themes
- Multi language
- Granular permissions
- Markdown editor
- An existing ASP.NET Identity database can be used
- Clone the repository
- Run the Atles.Server project
- Database and default data will be created automatically
- Login with the default admin account:
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: !P455w0rd?
Note: Please delete any databases previously created if you pull new versions. It's still a Beta version and some breaking changes might occur between commits.