This bundle contains the code I used to generate the tables on the paper:
@inproceedings{bob2012, author = {John Doe}, title = {A Simple Solution to Iris Flower Classification}, year = {2015}, month = jun, booktitle = {Reproducible Research Conference, Rio de Janeiro, 2015}, url = {}, }
We appreciate your citation in case you use results obtained directly or indirectly via this software package.
This package depends on numpy and scipy to run properly. Please install a modern version of these packages before trying to run the code examples.
The tests on my paper were executed on a machine running Xubuntu 14.04.2 installation with Python 2.7.
I have created a script that can run the source code reproducing all tables from the above paper. Run it like so:
$ python ./
The contents of each table in the paper should be printed one after the other.
You can run unit tests I have prepared like this:
$ nosetests ./
In case of problems, please get in touch with me by e-mail.
This work is licensed under the GPLv3.