** will update **
What is your app? Give a brief description in a couple of sentences.
My application manages inventory and warehouse data for a clothing store.
Why is your app needed? Give any background information around any pain points or other reasons.
Manages inventory and warehouse data.
Who will use your app? How will they use it? Add any special considerations that your app must take into account.
Employees tasked with managing inventory and warehouse data will use this app.
List the functionality that your app will include. These can be written as user stories or descriptions with related details. Do not describe how these features are implemented, only what needs to be implemented.
- view inventory
- view warehouses
- add inventory
- add warehouses
- edit warehouses
- edit inventory
- delete inventory
- delete warehouses
List technologies that will be used in your app, including any libraries to save time or provide more functionality. Be sure to research any potential limitations.
- React
- Node
- Express
Client preprocessor: sass
Client libraries: axios, react-router, react-router-dom, CORS, potentially more/less
** will update **
Server libraries: knex, express, potentially more/less
** will update **
List any external sources of data that will be used in your app.
Not sure, may potentially find an API to provide inventory item data
** will update **
List the pages of your app with brief descriptions. You can show this visually, or write it out.
Inventory Page:
- view inventory
Warehouses Page:
- view warehouses
Modals or Pages for:
- view inventory details
- view warehouse details
- add inventory
- add warehouses
- edit warehouses
- edit inventory
- delete inventory
- delete warehouses
** will update when decided **
Provide visuals of your app's screens. You can use pictures of hand-drawn sketches, or wireframing tools like Figma.
Paper sketch, Figma mockup.
** will update to add this info **
Describe your data and the relationships between the data points. You can show this visually using diagrams, or write it out.
Inventory Table
- items have the id of the warehouse where they are stored
- items have their own id
Warehouse Table
- warehouses have their own id
List endpoints that your server will implement, including HTTP methods, parameters, and example responses.
- get an array of all warehouses
GET /inventory
- get an array of all inventory
GET /warehouses
- get an array of all warehouses
POST /inventory
- create new inventory item
POST /warehouses
- create new warehouse
PUT /inventory/:id
- edit inventory item
PUT /warehouses/:id
- edit warehouse item
DELETE /inventory/:id
- delete inventory item
DELETE /warehouses/:id
- delete warehouse
** will update to display sample objects for data **
** will update **
Scope your project as a sprint. Break down the tasks that will need to be completed and map out timeframes for implementation working back from the capstone due date.
Sprint-1: Wed., Oct. 16, 2024 -- Sun., Oct. 20, 2024
- initial structure, install dependencies (client and server)
- create mixins, variables, fonts
- connect database, knex migrations and seeds
- create header
- create footer
- create inventory page with inventory list
- create warehouse page with warehouse list
- create API to GET all inventory
- create API to GET all warehouses
- create inventory details
- create warehouse details
- create API to GET a single inventory item
- create API to GET a single warehouse
Sprint-2: Mon., Oct. 21, 2024 -- Sun., Oct. 27, 2024
- create add inventory item component
- create API to POST a new inventory item
- create add warehouse component
- create API to POST a new warehouse
- create delete inventory item component
- create API to DELETE single inventory item
- create delete warehouse component
- create API to DELETE single warehouse component
- create edit inventory component
- create API to PUT (edit) single inventory item
- create edit warehouse component
- create API to PUT (edit) single warehouse
- implement sorting
- implement searching
- implement animations in another project
- pre-deployment, project-wide testing
- deployment
Your project will be marked based on what you committed to in the above document. Here, you can list any additional features you may complete after the MVP of your application is built, or if you have extra time before the Capstone due date.
- user account with login/logout
- not sure what else...
** might update **