needs to be sourced every time to use elasticluster as it allows to setup the openstack credentials.
Just change the line : export OS_USERNAME="<fedid>"
with your username.
Then source
which should prompt you for your openstack password.
are configuration files to be put in ~/.elasticluster/config
and contains info about cloud setup and cluster setup.
In playbooks/play.yml
change all occurrences of the line - user: 'fedid'
with your username.
are ansible tasks. A playbook can be run with :
ansible-playbook --private-key=<path_to_key> --inventory=~/.elasticluster/storage/<cluster>.inventory --become --become-user=root playbooks/play.yml
there are scripts in scripts
used by the playbooks to install fftw and felix.
is a bash script than can be run with slurm.
cd /home/$USER/Documents/git/ccp4/src/felix/samples/GaAs_short/
sbatch /home/$USER/