A bridge between Rails sessions and Play! sessions
You should publish the play plugin local before starting using it by running this command
$ cd play-plugin/project-code
$ play
> publish-local
Then you should add the play plugin of play-rails-sesssion-bridge to your project dependancies by adding this line to the build.scala script
"play-rails-sesssion-bridge" % "play-rails-sesssion-bridge_2.10" % "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
You should create play.plugins file in the conf directory of your project and add this line to it
Then you should add the memcached host to application.conf
################ Memcached Configuration ##################
########## OR for multiple hosts ######################
# memcached.1.host="mumocached1:11211"
# memcached.2.host="mumocached2:11211"
After that you can access the rails session by
request.globalSession #session is a JsObject
also you should add this import
import com.cloud9ers.play2.memcached.MemcachedPlugin._
Add this line to your gemfile
gem 'memcached_json_store', :git => '[email protected]:cloud9ers/play-rails-session-bridge.git'
You should configure your app to use memcachedJsonStore by setting the session_sore like that:
open “config/initializers/session_store.rb”
Add these lines to it
require 'action_dispatch/middleware/session/memcached_store'
Rails.application.config.session_store :memcached_store, :memcache_server => ['localhost'],
:namespace => 'sessions', :key => '_foundation_session', :expire_after => 7.days, :domain => :all