This project generates a MSI installer for Open vSwitch on Windows, including CLI executables, services and the Hyper-V vswitch forwarding extension.
Visual Studio Community 2013 is freely available at:
Download and install from:
This Windows merge module is available with Visual Studio and contains the Visual C++ 2013 x86 runtime redistributables files. Copy the file in the Redist directory.
Build the Open vSwitch project and copy:
- ovs-vswitchd.exe, ovsdb-server.exe, OVS.psm1 and vswitch.ovsschema in the Services directory
- openvswitch.sys, and openvswitch.inf in the Driver directory
- CLI executables and depending DLLs in the Binaries directory
- PDB symbols in the Symbols directory
Note: the kernel driver needs to be signed.
Build the solution in the Visual Studio IDE or via command line:
msbuild ovs-windows-installer.sln /p:Platform=x86 /p:Configuration=Release
msiexec /i OpenvSwitch.msi ADDLOCAL=OpenvSwitchCLI,OpenvSwitchDriver /l*v log.txt