Simple programmatic model for infinite streams of numbers or objects primitive and doing arithmetic operations (in double space) on them. Provides basic structure for monte-carlo simulations.
Streams are an interesting concept as they are lazy noncaching and also not indexable. If we
combine lazy-noncaching with infinite or unlimited streams we get an extremely efficient
compositional model as we don't need iterators in the composition -- there is no need to
check hasNext
. We can simply get the next item - throughout this library the things returned
implement this efficiently in the unlimited case in the 0-arg IFn implementation so you can
just call them with no arguments.
When we stick to unlimited streams we get as efficient a compositional model as dtype-next's with a simpler definition and composition rules and without needing to type the data. Both dtype-next's compositional model and this library's compositional model are far faster as the compositions get more complex than either clojure's default lazy caching sequences or the transducer model which is lazy caching but limited.
Exmaples use fastmath/random for distributions and the transducers in kixi.stats.core for basic stats.
user> (-> (streams/interleave (streams/gaussian-stream)
(streams/+ (streams/gaussian-stream) 10))
(graphs/stream-area-chart {:title :dual-lobe-gaussian
:width 400 :height 100
:n-bins 100})
(graphs/spit-chart-svg-to-file "docs/dual-lobe-gaussian.svg"))
user> (-> (streams/fastmath-stream :exponential)
(graphs/stream-area-chart {:title :exponential
:width 400 :height 100
:n-bins 100})
(graphs/spit-chart-svg-to-file "docs/exponential.svg"))
Basic nongraphing dependencies (use latest sha if below isn't latest):
com.cnuernber/streams {:git/url ""
:sha "0873d6f4c169f4867481ca2d3c39aa99d1cb12ea"}
See graphs namespace api docs for graphing dependencies - and off we go...
user> (require '[streams.api :as streams])
user> (streams/gaussian-stream)
#<api$gaussian_stream$reify__12152@55cdf74d: 0.6240818464335962>
user> (def s (streams/gaussian-stream))
user> (s)
user> (s)
user> (streams/sample 10 s)
[-0.6404845735349934, -1.0984499305114408, -0.5752360591253568, 0.7952341368967761,
-0.6264447099025137, -1.3414595772573175, 0.8635277761944913, 0.14471045180223024,
0.8760897398968388, -1.9421380093798732]
user> (transduce identity kixi/mean (streams/take 10000 s))
user> (require '[ham-fisted.api :as hamf])
user> (hamf/reduce-reducer (hamf/compose-reducers
{:mean kixi/mean
:variance kixi/variance
:min kixi/min
:max kixi/max})
(streams/take 10000 s))
{:min -3.7266349360253326,
:variance 0.9692690872594321,
:max 3.8224405544320126,
:mean 0.005754586370137619}
user> (->> (streams/+ s 10)
(streams/take 10000)
(hamf/compose-reducers {:mean kixi/mean
:variance kixi/variance
:min kixi/min
:max kixi/max})))
{:min 6.115105701266868,
:variance 0.9878880582367155,
:max 13.446008078878219,
:mean 9.997547011946645}
user> (require '[fastmath.random :as fast-r])
user> (fast-r/distribution :exponential)
#object[org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.ExponentialDistribution 0x3dd142f6 "org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.ExponentialDistribution@3dd142f6"]
user> (def exp-d (fast-r/distribution :exponential))
user> (require '[fastmath.protocols :as fast-p])
user> (fast-p/sample exp-d)
user> (fast-p/sample exp-d)
user> (fast-p/sample exp-d)
user> ;;s is passed into + along with exponential stream
user> (->> (let [dist (fast-r/distribution :exponential)]
(streams/stream (fast-p/sample dist)))
(streams/+ s 10)
(streams/take 10000)
(hamf/compose-reducers {:mean kixi/mean
:variance kixi/variance
:min kixi/min
:max kixi/max})))
{:min 10.017125966655641,
:variance 1.9930823384144312,
:max 21.25865140655251,
:mean 11.986870739237215}
user> (->> (streams/fastmath-stream :exponential)
(streams/+ s 10)
(streams/take 10000)
(hamf/compose-reducers {:mean kixi/mean
:variance kixi/variance
:min kixi/min
:max kixi/max})))
{:min 6.659285377918934,
:variance 1.970266932907259,
:max 18.57889358544537,
:mean 10.982617281509123}
I benchmarked this library on my m1-mac with the brew-installed jdk-19. The benchmark code is perftest.clj, the script in scripts/benchmark and the results are checked into docs. Here is a synopsis - Default clojure pathways are 6x slower roughly than either streams or dtype-next when there is no composition and -> 23x+ times slower when we perform a complex (4 arity) summation.
I want to stress that this is an unavoidable result if we commit to lazy caching vs. lazy noncaching computational models and not a result of implementation details in Clojure's core libraries -- in fact the chunking system introduced into Clojure's compute model makes the lazy caching pathway significantly more efficient.
Lazy caching is a much more forgiving computational model - but it eliminates several crucial, important optimization opportunities. As stated earlier in the readme lazy noncaching sequences can be as efficient as lazy noncaching random access models if we avoid limiting the streams and can compute with infinite streams.
The basic reduction tests creates 10000 uniform doubles in a reduce call. For the efficient systems, this is timing how expensive your random number generator is per-call.
system | code | performance µs |
clj | (repeatedly 10000 sampler) |
300 |
stream | (streams/stream 10000 (sampler)) |
64 |
dtype | (dt/make-reader :float64 10000 (sampler)) |
59 |
java typed | (Reductions/doubleSamplerReduction rfn nil idxsampler 10000) |
57 |
java untyped | (Reductions/samplerReduction rfn nil idxsampler 10000) |
56 |
The summation reduction test is meant to test nontrivial composition - sum 4 streams together.
system | code | performance µs |
clj | (double-array (take 10000 (map + rs1 rs2 rs3 rs4))) |
6530 |
stream | (streams/sample 10000 (streams/+ s1 s2 s3 s4)) |
280 |
dtype | (dt/->array (dfn/+ rdr1 rdr2 rdr3 rdr4)) |
279 |
inline | (streams/sample 10000 (streams/stream (+ (double (sampler1)) (double (sampler2)) (double (sampler3)) (double (sampler4))))) |
229 |