This is a fork of Shattered Pixel Dungeon v4.3, based on Pixel Dungeon. I'm new to coding in a statically typed language like Java - this is primarily a hobby/learning project but I hope it might grow into a nice spin on the endless PD forks.
- Original by Watabou:
- Shattered by Evan D:
I started out with the original build of PD but ran into unending complications with the random level size generation. Since I decided that I wanted this to be a core feature (but also wanted to get on with my game changes), I opted for Shattered, but I'm not keen on the newer perspective, so forked the previous version with the original graphics.
Still, massive credit to Evan for reworking level generation - I stand on the shoulders of tiny pixel giants.
The aim is to convert Pixel Dungeon into a fully fledged Spacebase Exploration/Escape RPG.
- 4 new characters
- Smoother gameplay
- Item tweaks
- Level size generation completely random
- Workshop generation
- Reskin/Names of all textures and sprites
- Game tweaks
- Bug fixing
- Oxygen mechanics
- Armor Perma-buffs
- Modules and upgrades
- Story elements