EDUCATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS) is a flagship product of Easy Solution which covers all aspects of Universities, Colleges or Schools. EUMS covers every minute aspects of a universities work flow and integrates all processes with user friendly interface. Login with email: [email protected] and password: admin
This project was done as the part of MAKAUT Hackathon topics. And as student we form a team and took this projects under mentorship of Syan Nath Sir. Our purpose is to make task like taking attandence in the univertity easy and manageable.
- Django (Backend)
- Bootstrap UiKit Template (FrontEnd)
- Jquery (For Ajax)
- Chart.js (For Graph)
Their are three category of user Admin, Staff & Student. Each have their own view set.
Minimal Graphs are provided for better ui.
Feedback and Leave form are present.
- Download it from git and open the folder
- Get inside the folder
- Run command
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Incase of error run command python makemigrations managementApp
andpython migrate
- Type
python runserver
- Create a admin user
python createsuperuser
provide details and login into the page. - If web page is not loading properly then run command
python collectstatic
and then runpython runserver
If you are running locally go throught Installation and then vist in your browser. Then login and add student & staff task.
- By useing rest api and fontend libary like react, vue, etc. Application become more compact and faster to use.
- By push application to online server and configured it to smtp email password reset can be provided.