wrapper for pymobiledevice3 to make it more easy to use.
pip install tidevice3
# or install as Isolated environment
brew install pipx
pipx install tidevice3
# required by pytun-pmd3
sudo apt install python3-dev gcc pipx
pipx install tidevice3
pipx ensurepath
iOS >= 17 screenshot,app:ps
connect through Ethernet over USB (NCM device) instead of usbmuxd
So tunneld should start first.
# start tunneld for iOS>=17
# launch process (pmd3 remote start-tunnel) when new usb device connected
# root required
$ sudo t3 tunneld
Basic usage
$ t3 list
# enable developer mode and mount develoepr image
$ t3 developer
# install & uninstall
$ t3 install https://....ipa
$ t3 install ./some.ipa
$ t3 uninstall com.example
# take screenshot
$ t3 screenshot out.png
# reboot
$ t3 reboot
# file operation
$ t3 fsync <ls|rm|pull|push> [Arguments...]
# app
$ t3 app <ps|list|launch|kill|instal|uninstall|foreground>
# install
# alias for app install
$ t3 install <URL or LocalIPA>
# screenrecord
$ t3 screenrecord out.mp4
# relay (like iproxy LOCAL_PORT DEVICE_PORT)
$ t3 relay 8100 8100
$ t3 relay 8100 8100 --source --daemonize
# show help
$ t3 --help
The API alone is insufficient for all operations; combining it with the pymobiledevice3 library can accomplish more things.
from tidevice3.api import list_devices, connect_service_provider, screenshot, app_install
for d in list_devices(usb=True):
print("UDID:", d.Identifier)
service_provider = connect_service_provider(d.Identifier)
pil_im = screenshot(service_provider)
# install ipa from URL or local
app_install(service_provider, "https://example.org/some.ipa")
- Mac (supported)
- Windows (doronz88/pymobiledevice3#569)
- Linux (doronz88/pymobiledevice3#566)
Mac,Windows,Linux all supported iOS<17
其实WDA启动可以不用XCUITest,下面是具体的方法(适用于iOS >= 15)
- iOS企业重签名方法 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/673521212
- iOS WDA脱离xcode & tidevice运行自动化 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/673319266
see DEVELOP.md