Excel Templates for BI Pub in PeopleTools
Use Checkboxes in BI Pub RTF Template
Invoke BI Pub with PeopleCode
Creating Watermarks on PDF documents with PeopleCode
PDF Merger and Page Numbering with PeopleCode
The original Collaborate presentation showing several XML generation examples and invoking the BI Pub from PeopleCode
Create XML Files using PeopleCode and the File Layouts
Create XML Files with Rowsets in PeopleCode
Using Images in PeopleTools Fluid Pages with delivered image styles
User Uploaded Images in PeopleTools
File Image Utilities PeopleSoft forgot
Sending Images to BI Publisher using PeopleTools
Date Formatting in BI Publiher Excel Templates
Post a batch BI Pub Report to the Process Monitor
PeopleSoft Development File Manager
BI Publisher Sub-Templates
Visual Catalog of PeopleSoft images withing an environment
Create BI Publisher Report in PeopleSoft
BI Publisher Bursting in PeopleSoft
Example code for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers Coursera Course
Bootstrap theme that follows Cru branding guidelines
Custom JavaScript, CSS & images for the SIS project