##Adding a new translation:
- Fork this repository.
- Review all files in entities and intents that end in the langauge you're translating (de,es,fr,ja,it).
- If adding new phrases, place them after the original strings.
- Commit your changes.
- Submit a pull request.
- ???
##Translating individual files Each file is a JSON file that contains trigger phrases used by API.ai. For example, the file /entities/Controls_entries_fr.json
It has multiple arrays like so:
"value": "Resume",
"synonyms": [
"Resume Playback",
The "value" portion should not change.
But they synonyms - those need to be translated to french.
So, a translated array may look like this when done:
"value": "Resume",
"synonyms": [
"Reprendre la lecture",
"French-specific phrase meaning 'unpause'"...
Once all arrays are translated, save and commit.