Data & Code Expert Experimenting with Code on Data
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documentation Public
Forked from nextcloud/documentation📘 Nextcloud documentation
Python Other UpdatedJun 10, 2019 -
openpvtools Public
Forked from openpvtools/openpvtoolsA catalog of open source tools for solar energy.
MIT License UpdatedFeb 15, 2018 -
pvlib-python Public
Forked from pvlib/pvlib-pythonThe PV_LIB Toolbox provides a set of well-documented functions for simulating the performance of photovoltaic energy systems. The toolbox was developed at Sandia National Laboratories and it implem…
aospy Public
Forked from spencerahill/aospyPython package for automated analysis and management of gridded climate data
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 16, 2017 -
pecos Public
Forked from sandialabs/pecosPython package for performance monitoring of time series data
Python Other UpdatedAug 19, 2016 -
sumatra Public
Forked from open-research/sumatraPython BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedJul 27, 2016 -
pandas Public
Forked from pandas-dev/pandasFlexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
Python Other UpdatedMar 15, 2016 -
matplotlib Public
Forked from matplotlib/matplotlibmatplotlib: plotting with Python
Python Other UpdatedMar 7, 2016 -
pvlib_data Public
Example and texting data sets for https://github.com/pvlib/pvlib-python
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedFeb 2, 2016 -
winpython.github.io Public
Forked from winpython/winpython.github.iocontains the Winpython project website
HTML UpdatedJan 22, 2016 -
pvlib_doc_testing Public
Testing of documentation improvements with bare sphinx project
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 20, 2016 -
statsintro_python Public
Forked from thomas-haslwanter/statsintro_pythonPython modules and IPython Notebooks, for the book "Introduction to Statistics With Python"
Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedDec 20, 2015 -
python4oceanographers Public
Forked from ocefpaf/python4oceanographersPython lectures with oceanography examples.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 15, 2015 -
exploratory_computing_with_python Public
Forked from mbakker7/exploratory_computing_with_pythonJupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 24, 2015 -
minpower Public
Forked from adamgreenhall/minpowerpower systems tools made beautiful
Python UpdatedSep 1, 2015 -
urbs Public
Forked from tum-ens/urbsA linear optimisation model for distributed energy systems
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 22, 2015 -
PVLIB_Python Public
Forked from psgibbs/PVLIB_PythonThe PV_LIB Toolbox provides a set of well-documented functions for simulating the performance of photovoltaic energy systems. The toolbox was developed at Sandia National Laboratories and it implem…
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedFeb 9, 2015 -
plugins Public
Forked from getnikola/pluginsExtra plugins for Nikola
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 8, 2015 -
scikits.hydroclimpy Public
Forked from pierregm/scikits.hydroclimpyThe scikits.hydroclimpy module is a loose collection of utilities to manipulate hydro-climatologic data.
Python UpdatedSep 29, 2010 -
scikits.hydroclimpy-applications Public
Forked from pierregm/scikits.hydroclimpy-applicationsCollection of examples illustrating how scikits.hydroclimpy can be applied
Python UpdatedAug 10, 2010