[paper : https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.10732]
pip install -r requirement.txt
You should download Nuscenes/Fulldataset(v1.0)/Trainval/Metadata (Direct download link is here)
Unzip downloaded meta filt to [DATAROOT] then run:
python gen_dataset.py --dataroot [DATAROOT] --split [SPLIT]
[SPLIT] should be one of 'train' or 'train_val' or 'val'
- 'train' : training dataset : 32k
- 'train_val' : validation dataset : 8k
- 'val' : test dataset :
python train_mtp.py --name [NAME]
checkpoint of experiment is saved in './exps/[NAME]'
You can add more argument such as optimizer, backbone, and so on (Refer to train_mtp.py)
run in another window:
python visualize.py --name [NAME] --ep [EP]
It loads saved weight from checkpoint of experiment named [NAME].
[EP] should be 'best' or 'last' or a specific epoch (integer)
- 'best' : w/ lowest validation loss
- 'last' : w/ last epoch
- specific epoch : 1, 10, ...
Generated trajectories and its logits are displayed on visdom server.
You can see the results at '[YOUR_IP_ADDRESS]:8097' (default port of visdom is 8097)