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Được mình tạo ra vào năm 2 trong khoản thời gian học IT tại trường. Dự án vẫn sẽ tiếp tục được mình phát triển thêm trong suốt quá trình học tập và làm việc
Các bạn có thể truy cập webite thông qua đây hoặc phát triển thêm nếu bạn muốn.
Clone dự án và cài đặt các thư viện cần thiết:
pnpm i
Chạy trong môi trường phát triển:
pnpm dev
Build dự án:
pnpm build
firebase user <...>
firebase deploy
PS E:\FPT\ozaniz\FrogCyber> npm list -g firebase-tools
└── [email protected]
PS E:\FPT\ozaniz\FrogCyber> npx firebase
Usage: firebase [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-P, --project <alias_or_project_id> the Firebase project to use for this command
--account <email> the Google account to use for authorization
-j, --json output JSON instead of text, also triggers non-interactive mode
--token <token> DEPRECATED - will be removed in a future major version - supply an auth token for this
--non-interactive error out of the command instead of waiting for prompts
-i, --interactive force prompts to be displayed
--debug print verbose debug output and keep a debug log file
-c, --config <path> path to the firebase.json file to use for configuration
-h, --help output usage information
appdistribution:distribute [options] <release-binary-file> upload a release binary
appdistribution:testers:add [options] [emails...] add testers to project (and possibly group)
appdistribution:testers:remove [options] [emails...] remove testers from a project (or group)
appdistribution:group:create <displayName> [alias] create group in project
appdistribution:group:delete <alias> delete group from a project
apps:create [options] [platform] [displayName] create a new Firebase app. [platform] can be IOS, ANDROID or WEB (case insensitive).
apps:list [platform] list the registered apps of a Firebase project. Optionally filter apps by [platform]:
IOS, ANDROID or WEB (case insensitive)
apps:sdkconfig [options] [platform] [appId] print the Google Services config of a Firebase app. [platform] can be IOS, ANDROID or
WEB (case insensitive)
apps:android:sha:list <appId> list the SHA certificate hashes for a given app id.
apps:android:sha:create <appId> <shaHash> add a SHA certificate hash for a given app id.
apps:android:sha:delete <appId> <shaId> delete a SHA certificate hash for a given app id.
auth:export [options] [dataFile] Export accounts from your Firebase project into a data file
auth:import [options] [dataFile] import users into your Firebase project from a data file(.csv or .json)
crashlytics:symbols:upload [options] <symbolFiles...> upload symbols for native code, to symbolicate stack traces
crashlytics:mappingfile:generateid [options] generate a mapping file id and write it to an Android resource file, which will be
built into the app
crashlytics:mappingfile:upload [options] <mappingFile> upload a ProGuard/R8-compatible mapping file to deobfuscate stack traces
database:get [options] <path> fetch and print JSON data at the specified path
database:import [options] <path> [infile] non-atomically import the contents of a JSON file to the specified path in Realtime
database:instances:create [options] <instanceName> create a realtime database instance
database:instances:list [options] list realtime database instances, optionally filtered by a specified location
database:profile [options] profile the Realtime Database and generate a usage report
database:push [options] <path> [infile] add a new JSON object to a list of data in your Firebase
database:remove [options] <path> remove data from your Firebase at the specified path
database:set [options] <path> [infile] store JSON data at the specified path via STDIN, arg, or file
database:settings:get [options] <path> read the realtime database setting at path
database:settings:set [options] <path> <value> set the realtime database setting at path.
database:update [options] <path> [infile] update some of the keys for the defined path in your Firebase
deploy [options] deploy code and assets to your Firebase project
emulators:exec [options] <script> start the local Firebase emulators, run a test script, then shut down the emulators
emulators:export [options] <path> export data from running emulators
emulators:start [options] start the local Firebase emulators
experimental:functions:shell [options] launch full Node shell with emulated functions. (Alias for `firebase
experiments:list list all experiments, along with a description of each experiment and whether it is
currently enabled
experiments:describe <experiment> describe what an experiment does when enabled
experiments:enable <experiment> enable an experiment on this machine
experiments:disable <experiment> disable an experiment on this machine
ext display information on how to use ext commands and extensions installed to your
ext:configure [options] <extensionInstanceId> configure an existing extension instance
ext:info [options] <extensionName> display information about an extension by name ([email protected] for a specific
ext:export [options] export all Extension instances installed on a project to a local Firebase directory
ext:install [options] [extensionRef] add an uploaded extension to firebase.json if [publisherId/extensionId] is
provided;or, add a local extension if [localPath] is provided
ext:list list all the extensions that are installed in your Firebase project
ext:uninstall [options] <extensionInstanceId> uninstall an extension that is installed in your Firebase project by instance ID
ext:update [options] <extensionInstanceId> [updateSource] update an existing extension instance to the latest version, or to a specific version
if provided
ext:dev:init initialize files for writing an extension in the current directory
ext:dev:list <publisherId> list all extensions uploaded under publisher ID
ext:dev:register register a publisher ID; run this before publishing your first extension.
ext:dev:deprecate [options] <extensionRef> [versionPredicate] deprecate extension versions that match the version predicate
ext:dev:undeprecate <extensionRef> <versionPredicate> undeprecate extension versions that match the version predicate
ext:dev:upload [options] <extensionRef> upload a new version of an extension
ext:dev:publish [options] <extensionRef> Deprecated. Use ext:dev:upload instead
ext:dev:usage <publisherId> get usage for an extension
firestore:delete [options] [path] Delete data from Cloud Firestore.
firestore:indexes [options] List indexes in your project's Cloud Firestore database.
firestore:locations List possible locations for your Cloud Firestore project.
firestore:databases:list List databases in your Cloud Firestore project.
firestore:databases:get [database] Get database in your Cloud Firestore project.
firestore:databases:create [options] <database> Create a database in your Firebase project.
firestore:databases:update [options] <database> Update a database in your Firebase project. Must specify at least one property to
firestore:databases:delete [options] <database> Delete a database in your Cloud Firestore project. Database delete protection state
must be disabled. To do so, use the update command: firebase firestore:databases:update
<database> --delete-protection DISABLED
functions:config:clone [options] clone environment config from another project
functions:config:export Export environment config as environment variables in dotenv format
functions:config:get [path] fetch environment config stored at the given path
functions:config:set [values...] set environment config with key=value syntax
functions:config:unset [keys...] unset environment config at the specified path(s)
functions:delete [options] [filters...] delete one or more Cloud Functions by name or group name.
functions:log [options] read logs from deployed functions
functions:shell [options] launch full Node shell with emulated functions
functions:list list all deployed functions in your Firebase project
functions:secrets:access <KEY>[@version> Access secret value given secret and its version. Defaults to accessing the latest
functions:secrets:destroy [options] <KEY>[@version> Destroy a secret. Defaults to destroying the latest version.
functions:secrets:get <KEY> Get metadata for secret and its versions
functions:secrets:prune [options] Destroys unused secrets
functions:secrets:set [options] <KEY> Create or update a secret for use in Cloud Functions for Firebase.
help [command] display help information
hosting:channel:create [options] [channelId] create a Firebase Hosting channel
hosting:channel:delete [options] <channelId> delete a Firebase Hosting channel
hosting:channel:deploy [options] [channelId] deploy to a specific Firebase Hosting channel
hosting:channel:list [options] list all Firebase Hosting channels for your project
hosting:channel:open [options] [channelId] opens the URL for a Firebase Hosting channel
hosting:clone <source> <targetChannel> clone a version from one site to another
hosting:disable [options] stop serving web traffic to your Firebase Hosting site
hosting:sites:create [options] [siteId] create a Firebase Hosting site
hosting:sites:delete [options] <siteId> delete a Firebase Hosting site
hosting:sites:get <siteId> print info about a Firebase Hosting site
hosting:sites:list list Firebase Hosting sites
init [feature] Interactively configure the current directory as a Firebase project or initialize new features in an already configured Firebase project directory.
This command will create or update 'firebase.json' and '.firebaserc' configuration files in the current directory.
To initialize a specific Firebase feature, run 'firebase init [feature]'. Valid features are:
- database
- emulators
- extensions
- firestore
- functions
- hosting
- hosting:github
- internalframeworks
- remoteconfig
- storage
login [options] log the CLI into Firebase
login:add [options] [email] authorize the CLI for an additional account
login:ci [options] generate an access token for use in non-interactive environments
login:list list authorized CLI accounts
login:use <email> set the default account to use for this project directory
logout [email] log the CLI out of Firebase
open [link] quickly open a browser to relevant project resources
projects:addfirebase [projectId] add Firebase resources to a Google Cloud Platform project
projects:create [options] [projectId] creates a new Google Cloud Platform project, then adds Firebase resources to the
projects:list list all Firebase projects you have access to
remoteconfig:get [options] get a Firebase project's Remote Config template
remoteconfig:rollback [options] roll back a project's published Remote Config template to the one specified by the
provided version number
remoteconfig:versions:list [options] get a list of Remote Config template versions that have been published for a Firebase
serve [options] start a local server for your static assets
setup:emulators:database downloads the database emulator
setup:emulators:firestore downloads the firestore emulator
setup:emulators:pubsub downloads the pubsub emulator
setup:emulators:storage downloads the storage emulator
setup:emulators:ui downloads the ui emulator
target [type] display configured deploy targets for the current project
target:apply <type> <name> <resources...> apply a deploy target to a resource
target:clear <type> <target> clear all resources from a named resource target
target:remove <type> <resource> remove a resource target
use [options] [alias_or_project_id] set an active Firebase project for your working directory
PS E:\FPT\ozaniz\FrogCyber> npx firebase deploy
=== Deploying to 'frogcyber'...
i deploying hosting
i hosting[frogcyber]: beginning deploy...
i hosting[frogcyber]: found 589 files in /blog/.vuepress/dist
+ hosting[frogcyber]: file upload complete
i hosting[frogcyber]: finalizing version...
+ hosting[frogcyber]: version finalized
i hosting[frogcyber]: releasing new version...
+ hosting[frogcyber]: release complete
+ Deploy complete!
Project Console: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/937309030749/overview
Hosting URL: https://frogcyber.web.app
PS E:\FPT\ozaniz\FrogCyber>
This blog is Apache License 2.0 licensed, see the LICENSE file for details.