This repo contains software for managing my classes at Yale. The major functions of the software include:
- recording student enrollment and participation;
- storing class schedule information, such as meeting times, meeting subjects, and pre-class reading;
- storing and administering quizzes based on pre-class reading material;
- storing assignment information and accepting assignment submissions; and,
- storing student grades on assignments and quizzes.
The core of the application is a RESTful API built on top of
postgrest. The structure of this repo is
taken from the excellent
postgrest start kit.
The application includes a number of components each of which runs in a
docker container.
The main
entrypoint is docker-compose*.yml
, which shows what
containers are started in dev and production.
# For development
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.base.yaml -f ./ up
# For production
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.base.yaml -f ./ up
The roles of the most important components are as follows:
- postgres - provides persistence nearly all of the application data and enforces relational integrity.
- backup - Saves backups of the production postgres database to S3, usually hourly.
- rabbitmq - subscription/notification service generally used to alert applications to changes in the database, such as new rows.
- pg_amqp_bridge - sends NOTIFY events from postgres to rabbitmq.
- postgrest - provides a RESTful API over the postgres application database.
- openresty - the webserver that accepts incoming HTTP requests and proxies them to relevant backend services, such as postgrest.
- certbot - obtains and renews SSL certificates for openresty.
- elmclient - a front-end client that runs in web browsers and communicates with the API. This is the main way in which students interact with the API.
- sse - a backend service that accepts sse connections so that the elmclient can subscribe to table changes in postgres (via rabbitmq and pg_amqp_bridge).
It will likely be necessary to read the documentation of Postgrest and the Postgrest starter kit to understand how all this fits together.
To run the tests, do npm test
from the root of this project.
The containers will need to be running. This will run pgTAP
tests and tests of the REST API using supertest. See the test
When you checkout this repo anew and wish to work on yelukerest you'll need to complete a few steps.
- Create the letsencrypt volume
docker volume create --name=yelukerest-letsencrypt
- Create local certs for https
- Create the
file with all the variables you need. Likely best to get this from another machine on which the code is working. - Start the server
./bin/ up
When I begin a new school year, I'll likely want to
run the
script to get fresh migrations.
I'll likely want to throw out the old ones first. I only keep migrations
for a semester then start over. Then...
- Create a docker volume for pg data
docker volume create --name=yelukerest-pg-data
- Start database
./bin/ up db
- Run the migrations (make sure these are up-to-date ;P )
- Stop database
- Get letsencrypt certs (see below)
- Get AWS S3 bucket permissions all set up for backups.
- Good to go.
Backups are saved to s3 hourly in production. To restore, download one, then run something like
pg_restore --host $HOST -U superuser -d app --port $PORT --clean --exit-on-error ./thebackup.dump
The --clean
will drop (or truncate?) tables.
To get certificates issued do something like the following
Run that when not running anything else. Data are persisted to the yelukerest-letsencrypt data volume.
You must have the FDQN
environment variable set to your fully qualified domain name and obviously
your DNS records should be set such that that domain name resolves to the IP address of the machine
on which you run the command. The command will spin up a temporary http server and therefore your
firewall in need to be open on ports 80 and 443 for inbound connections.
- Add the table in
- Add the table in
- Add the api views in
- Add the auth in
- Add sample data in
- Add the tests in
- Most requests will go through OpenResty to the PostgREST instance and require JWT tokens---very few of the API endpoints have information for anonymous users. The JWT was signed using our private key, so we know we created it and we're going to trust it. For most of those, the JWT specifies a database "role" we wish to assume and also the "user_id" of the person. For more, read here.
- Our database will generate the JWT tokens for us, as described above. Or, we could use node to do this for us. See node-jsonwebtoken.
- We use the node app to verify that the person logging-in is a Yale affiliate. We need to verify that the person who authenticates with CAS is also in our database. (We get their netid directly from Yale's CAS server via https, so it is sufficient to check for the existance of this user.) Once we do that, we should get them some JWT tokens whenever their client---likely an ELM app in the browser---needs to interact with the API. We should give those JWT tokens short expiration times and refresh them as needed.
Backups are saved to s3 hourly in production. To restore, download one, then run something like
pg_restore --host $HOST -U superuser -d app --port $PORT --clean --exit-on-error ./thebackup.dump
The --clean
will drop (or truncate?) tables.
To get certificates issued do something like the following
docker run -p 80:80 -it -v yelukerest-letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt certbot/certbot certonly
--standalone --preferred-challenges http -d
Run that when not running anything else. Data are persisted to the yelukerest-letsencrypt data volume.
- Add the table in
- Add the table in
- Add the api views in
- Add the auth in
- Add sample data in
- Add the tests in
- Most requests will go through OpenResty to the PostgREST instance and require JWT tokens---very few of the API endpoints have information for anonymous users. The JWT was signed using our private key, so we know we created it and we're going to trust it. For most of those, the JWT specifies a database "role" we wish to assume and also the "user_id" of the person. For more, read here.
- Our database will generate the JWT tokens for us, as described above. Or, we could use node to do this for us. See node-jsonwebtoken.
- We use the node app to verify that the person logging-in is a Yale affiliate. We need to verify that the person who authenticates with CAS is also in our database. (We get their netid directly from Yale's CAS server via https, so it is sufficient to check for the existance of this user.) Once we do that, we should get them some JWT tokens whenever their client---likely an ELM app in the browser---needs to interact with the API. We should give those JWT tokens short expiration times and refresh them as needed.