- san francisco, ca
signal-cli-rest-api Public
Forked from bbernhard/signal-cli-rest-apiDockerized Signal Messenger REST API
Go MIT License UpdatedOct 21, 2024 -
go-bazel Public
demonstrate how bazel don't care about GOPATH or go modules
Starlark UpdatedNov 10, 2022 -
loki Public
Forked from grafana/lokiLike Prometheus, but for logs.
Go GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 12, 2022 -
consul-snapshot Public
Forked from pshima/consul-snapshotconsul-snapshot is a backup and restore utility for Consul (https://www.consul.io). This is slightly different than some other utilities out there as this runs as a daemon for backups and ships the…
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 11, 2019 -
envoy-consul-sds Public
Forked from anubhavmishra/envoy-consul-sdsEnvoy Consul Service Discovery Service
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 5, 2019 -
Defending-DevOps Public
Forked from ManicodeSecurity/Defending-DevOpsLab Material for the Two-Day Defending Modern DevOps Environments Course
Go UpdatedAug 12, 2019 -
consul Public
Forked from hashicorp/consulConsul is a distributed, highly available, and data center aware solution to connect and configure applications across dynamic, distributed infrastructure.
Go Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedJul 3, 2019 -
fastly-exporter Public
Forked from fastly/fastly-exporterA Prometheus exporter for the Fastly Real-time Analytics API
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 24, 2018 -
mongodb_exporter Public
Forked from percona/mongodb_exporterA Prometheus exporter for MongoDB including sharding, replication and storage engines
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 15, 2018 -
node_exporter Public
Forked from prometheus/node_exporterExporter for machine metrics
go-prefixbytes Public
light shim for working with length-prefixed byte arrays
Go UpdatedOct 19, 2017 -
xmlrpc Public
Forked from kolo/xmlrpcImplementation of XMLRPC protocol in Go language.
Go MIT License UpdatedMar 10, 2017 -
nginx-lua-prometheus Public
Forked from knyar/nginx-lua-prometheusPrometheus metric library for Nginx written in Lua
Lua UpdatedMar 3, 2017 -
goleveldb Public
Forked from syndtr/goleveldbLevelDB key/value database in Go.
Go BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedMar 2, 2017 -
lua_sandbox Public
Forked from mozilla-services/lua_sandboxGeneric Lua sandbox for dynamic data analysis
C Other UpdatedJun 29, 2016 -
staert Public
Forked from containous/staertMerge your configuration sources
Go MIT License UpdatedJun 2, 2016 -
fastly-python Public
Forked from zebrafishlabs/fastly-pythonA Python client library for Fastly.
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedJun 2, 2016 -
lua-resty-openidc Public
Forked from zmartzone/lua-resty-openidcLua implementation to make NGINX operate as an OpenID Connect RP or OAuth 2.0 RS using the Lua extension scripting features (http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpLuaModule) which are for instance part of Open…
Lua Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 17, 2016 -
ansible Public
Forked from ansible/ansibleAnsible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications— automate…
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 10, 2016 -
sentences Public
Forked from neurosnap/sentencesA multilingual command line sentence tokenizer in Golang
Go MIT License UpdatedDec 29, 2015 -
heka Public
Forked from mozilla-services/hekaData collection and processing made easy.
Go Other UpdatedDec 18, 2015 -
vanilla Public
Forked from cablehead/vanillaStraightforward concurrency for Python
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 29, 2015 -
awesome-go Public
Forked from avelino/awesome-goA curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
Go MIT License UpdatedJul 30, 2015