Matreshka - is the small (25KB uncompressed, 8KB gzipped) client-side Javascript framework that allows you to build your application a new way. The main advantages of Matreshka are:
- DOM-data bindings
- Events of data change
- Improved data types (MK.Array and MK.Object)
Forget that you have a UI, because it changes automatically when the data changes.
More info about how to attach Matreshka to your page ou can find in documentation
<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="js/matreshka.min.js"></script>
var mk = new MK;
mk.bindElement( 'myKey', '.my-element' ); // you just bound element to your key "myKey"
mk.on( 'change:myKey', function() {
alert( 'yeah' );
mk.myKey = 5; // changes DOM element (".my-element") and alerts "yeah"
var mkObject = new MK.Object({
a: 3,
b: 4
a: '.a-element',
b: '.b-element'
mkObject.on( 'modify', function() {
alert( 'yeah' );
mkObject.a = 5; // changes DOM element (".a-element") and alerts "yeah"
console.log( mkObject.toJSON() ); // logs { a:5, b:4 }
mkArray = new MK.Array( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
mkArray.on( 'push', function() {
alert( 'yeah' );
mkArray.push( 5 ); // adds 5 to the end of given array and alerts "yeah"
console.log( mkArray.toString() ); // logs "1,2,3,4,5"
- .toString method doesn't work (fixable)
- MK.Object: cycle works buggy because of restriction of Object.defineProperty in IE8. Use .each method instead
These bugs will be fixed in Matreshka v1.0 when IE8 support will be removed MK.Array: Standard iterators (.forEeach, .map, .some) takes native array as third callback's element. For example
var array = new MK.Array( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );
array.forEach( function( item, index, self ) {
alert( array === self ); // false
- v0.2 MK.Array#Model property (very close to Backbone style)
- v0.2 MK.Object#renderer method (overrides MK.Array#itemRenderer for that item)
- v0.2 Lazy initialization. No need to run .initMK method
- v0.2 Optimize methods speed
- bound
- v1.0 Screw Internet Explorer 8. IE8 Support Ends April 8, 2014.
- Do defineSetter method
- New event engine
- evt.stopEventsChain method
- evt.type property
- Event of collection item change
- CSS selectors for DOM events
this.on( 'click::something(.x > .y)' )
- etc
- Optimize code for minifier
- Allow to render regular objects using MK.Array#itemRenderer
- Improve addDependence method to make possible to add dependence between other instances keys (not only current instance key)
- Somehow add same event handler for multiple instances
Allow to use numbers in MK.Object#addJSONKeys and MK.Object#removeJSONKeysReturn removed element from MK.Array#pop and MK.Array#shift methodsDo nothing if undefined is passed to MK.Object#addJSONKeys and MK.Object#removeJSONKeys (now throws error)Remove jQuery dependence (create mQuery(?))Use element as this in MK.elementProcessors functionsMerge MK.DOMArray with MK.ArrayListen 'keyup' event for checkboxes/radios (if keyboard is using) (MK.elementProcessors)`Listen 'paste' event for input[type="text"] and textarea (MK.elementProcessors)Create MK#addDependence method
mk.addDependence( 'perimeter', 'a b', function() { return ( this.a + this.b ) * 2} );
mk.addDependence( 'a', 'perimeter b', function() { return this.perimeter/2 - this.b } );
mk.addDependence( 'b', 'perimeter a', function() { return this.perimeter/2 - this.a } );
Make possible to add DOM events like so:
mk.on( 'click::myKey', f );
// Instead of
// mk.$el( 'myKey' ).on( 'click', f.bind( this ) );
Author: Andrey Gubanov [email protected]
License: MIT License