A repository showcasing my first Python assignment for the UT Data Analytics Boot Camp. The assignment consisted of three challenges, PyBank, PyPoll, and PyBoss. Python's csv and pandas modules were leveraged throughout.
Included in the PyBank folder is a main.py file that takes as input budget_data.csv and returns a summary of the financial data included in the csv file. The summary is output to both the terminal and a txt file.
Also included in the PyPoll folder is a main.py file which provides a quick analysis of the polling data found in the election_results.csv file. The analysis is displayed on the terminal and written to a txt file.
This challenge is an exercise in data munging. Employee data is stored in a csv and needs to be cleaned before the data can be loaded into a new system, a fairly common occurance when migrating from legacy systems. The main.py file loads the csv into a pandas data frame, transforms the data into the required format, then exports the clean data to a csv.