Starred repositories
Official implementation of Think Global, Act Local: Dual-scale GraphTransformer for Vision-and-Language Navigation (CVPR'22 Oral).
code release of paper "Compositional Human-Scene Interaction Synthesis with Semantic Control"
Trilinear sampler with smoothstep and double backpropagation
Rendering Point Clouds with Compute Shaders
Official Implementation of "LiteDepth: Digging into Fast and Accurate Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices"
[ECCV 2022] StyleLight: HDR Panorama Generation for Lighting Estimation and Editing
Self-supervised monocular depth estimation with a vision transformer
Code release for NeRFReN: Neural Radiance Fields with Reflections (CVPR 2022).
[ECCV 2022] PlaneFormers: From Sparse View Planes to 3D Reconstruction
Independent PyTorch implementation of Scene Representation Transformer
(WIP) Official implementation of the NeurIPS 2021 paper "Panoptic 3D Scene Reconstruction from a Single RGB Image"
A Code Release for Mip-NeRF 360, Ref-NeRF, and RawNeRF
DFNet: Enhance Absolute Pose Regression with Direct Feature Matching (ECCV 2022)
SIGGRAPH 2022 Labs Demo for "Learning Smooth Neural Functions via Lipschitz Regularization"
[NeurIPS2022] Official implementation of PeRFception: Perception using Radiance Fields.
Transformers as Meta-Learners for Implicit Neural Representations, in ECCV 2022
This project is the non-official PyTorch implementation of Block-NeRF.
PixTrack is a Computer Vision method for Object Tracking which uses NeRF templates and feature-metric alignment to robustly track the 6DoF pose of a known object.
Bussler / DSNeRF
Forked from dunbar12138/DSNeRFDifferent embedding methods and gpu support for depth-supervised NeRF.
NVIDIA Kaolin Wisp is a PyTorch library powered by NVIDIA Kaolin Core to work with neural fields (including NeRFs, NGLOD, instant-ngp and VQAD).
[ECCV2022] Neural Density-Distance Fields (NeDDF)