- Why was this project created?
- Elements included in this project
- Iterable in more detail
- Basic use case
- Tests
The main purpose of this module is to help to PHP 7/Java 8 developers use functional programming in a similar way in both languages. So, despite the differences between Java and PHP, a Java 8 developer will be comfortable when he/she wants to use functional programming in PHP 7, and a PHP 7 developer that uses this module won't need to learn a lot of things and new concepts when he/she wants to use functional programming in Java 8.
Below is shown a brief introduction to the components included in this project:
- ArrayList: implementation of a list of elements (permits duplicates).
- HashMap: hash table used to store key-value elements (duplicate keys are not allowed).
- HashSet: implementation of a set of elements (does not permit duplicates).
- PriorityQueue: implementation of a queue that further provides a total ordering on its elements using its compareTo method (see Comparable interface) or an instance of Comparator (permits duplicates).
- SortedSet: implementation of a set of ordered elements using its compareTo method (see Comparable interface) or an instance of Comparator (does not permit duplicates).
- Comparable: this interface imposes a total ordering on the Objects of each class that implements it.
- Comparator: a comparison function, which imposes a total ordering on some collection of Objects.
- Object: root class of the hierarchy, that is, we only will be able to use ArrayList, HashSet, etc to store elements with Object as superclass.
- Optional: a container object which may or may not contain a non-null value. Useful to know if we can to access to the properties/method of the contained object due to it is not NULL
- Predicate: represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of one argument.
- CompositePredicate: complex Predicate on which we can add several logical conditions like: AND, OR, etc
- Stream: interface used to provide of functional programming features to the collections: ArrayList, HashSet, PriorityQueue and SortedSet.
- BasicStream: implementation of the Stream interface.
- Collectors: utility class that implements various useful reduction operations, such as accumulating elements into collections, summarizing elements according to various criteria, etc.
Now it is necessary to learn more about the Iterable hierarchy for this reason, the first thing is to see an image with all interfaces and classes included in the Iterable module:
As you can see it is a little bit complex than the "list of iterables" in the previous section however, we only need to know (and use) that previous list: ArrayList, HashMap, HashSet, PriorityQueue and SortedSet, that is, the final classes.
Firstly, we will define some example classes that we will use to explain what we can do with this module.
namespace FunctionalPHP\test;
use FunctionalPHP\common\Object;
use FunctionalPHP\iterable\collection\lists\Lists;
use FunctionalPHP\iterable\collection\lists\ArrayList;
* Subclass of Object used only for testing purpose.
class Car extends Object {
protected $registration;
protected $yearOfProduction;
public function __construct (string $registration, int $yearOfProduction) {
$this->registration = $registration;
$this->yearOfProduction = $yearOfProduction;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \FunctionalPHP\common\Object::equals()
public function equals (Object $otherCar): bool {
return strcmp ($this->registration, $otherCar->registration) == 0;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \FunctionalPHP\common\Object::hashCode()
public function hashCode(): int {
return $this->yearOfProduction % 5;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \FunctionalPHP\common\Object::compareTo()
public function compareTo (Object $otherCar): int {
return strcmp ($this->registration, $otherCar->registration);
* Subclass of Object used only for testing purpose.
class Person extends Object {
protected $name;
protected $age;
protected $isMale;
protected $cars;
public function __construct (string $name, int $age, bool $isMale, Lists $cars = NULL) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->age = $age;
$this->isMale = $isMale;
$this->cars = (is_null ($cars) ? new ArrayList() : $cars);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \FunctionalPHP\common\Object::equals()
public function equals (Object $otherPerson): bool {
return (strcmp ($this->name, $$otherPerson->name) == 0) &&
$this->age == $otherPerson->age;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \FunctionalPHP\common\Object::hashCode()
public function hashCode(): int {
return $this->age % 5;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \FunctionalPHP\common\Object::compareTo()
public function compareTo (Object $otherPerson): int {
return strcmp ($this->name, $otherPerson->name);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \FunctionalPHP\common\Object::__toString()
public function __toString() {
$resultString = "{".get_class ($this).": ";
$properties = get_object_vars ($this);
if (is_array ($properties)) {
// Adds property name and property value to the result
foreach ($properties as $name => $value) {
$resultString .= "\n {$name} = ";
if (strcmp ($name, "cars") == 0) {
$resultString .= "[";
if (!is_null ($value)) {
foreach ($value as $car)
$resultString .= $car."\n";
$resultString .= "]";
$resultString .= $value;
return $resultString."}";
We have defined a subclass of Object with two properties. As you can see, the method compareTo is used to compare the current Person with another one. For this reason we are going to define an instance of Comparator used to compare two Persons at the inverse way as compareTo method (used for testing purpose):
namespace FunctionalPHP\test;
use FunctionalPHP\common\Comparator;
use FunctionalPHP\common\Object;
* Comparator instance used to compare two different Person objects, used only for testing purpose.
class PersonComparator implements Comparator {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \FunctionalPHP\common\Comparator::compare()
public function compare (Object $person1, Object $person2): int {
* Assumes Person as parameters and returns the "inverse result" that
* $person1->compareTo ($person2)
return strcmp ($person2->name, $person1->name);
* Comparator instance used to compare two different Car objects, used only for testing purpose.
class CarComparator implements Comparator {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \FunctionalPHP\common\Comparator::compare()
public function compare (Object $car1, Object $car2): int {
* Assumes Car as parameters and returns the "inverse result" that
* $car1->compareTo ($car2)
return strcmp ($car2->registration, $car1->registration);
The last "previous step" is to define some Predicates that we will use when we explain the functional programming:
namespace FunctionalPHP\test;
use FunctionalPHP\common\functional\Predicate;
use FunctionalPHP\exception\IllegalArgumentException;
use FunctionalPHP\test\Person;
* Uses to test if the given arguments are integer values (used only for testing purpose).
final class IsIntPredicate implements Predicate {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \FunctionalPHP\common\functional\Predicate::test()
public function test (...$args) : bool {
if (count ($args) == 0)
return FALSE;
foreach ($args as $a) {
if (is_int ($a) === FALSE)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Uses to test if the given arguments are integer values (used only for testing purpose).
final class IsIntAndPairPredicate implements Predicate {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \FunctionalPHP\common\functional\Predicate::test()
public function test (...$args) : bool {
if (count ($args) == 0)
return FALSE;
foreach ($args as $a) {
if (is_int ($a) === FALSE || ($a % 2 != 0))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Uses to test if the name of the given Person has more than one word (used only for testing purpose).
final class HasPersonMoreThanOneWordAsNamePredicate implements Predicate {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \FunctionalPHP\common\functional\Predicate::test()
public function test (...$args) : bool {
if (count ($args) != 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException (__CLASS__.'-'.__FUNCTION__.':'.__LINE__
,"The method has received more than one argument: "
.var_export ($args));
$person = $args[0];
if (!$person instanceof Person)
throw new IllegalArgumentException (__CLASS__.'-'.__FUNCTION__.':'.__LINE__
,"The given parameter is not an instance of ".Person::class
." Its type is: ".gettype ($person));
return (str_word_count ($person->name) > 1);
* Uses to test if the age of the given Person is odd or not (used only for testing purpose).
final class HasPersonOddAgePredicate implements Predicate {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \FunctionalPHP\common\functional\Predicate::test()
public function test (...$args) : bool {
if (count ($args) != 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException (__CLASS__.'-'.__FUNCTION__.':'.__LINE__
,"The method has received more than one argument: "
.var_export ($args));
$person = $args[0];
if (!$person instanceof Person)
throw new IllegalArgumentException (__CLASS__.'-'.__FUNCTION__.':'.__LINE__
,"The given parameter is not an instance of ".Person::class
." Its type is: ".gettype ($person));
return ($person->age % 2 != 0);
Now we are going to learn how we can use classes like: ArrayList, HashSet, etc using the previous defined classes:
namespace FunctionalPHP\test;
use FunctionalPHP\test\Person;
use FunctionalPHP\test\PersonComparator;
use FunctionalPHP\iterable\map\Map;
use FunctionalPHP\iterable\map\HashMap;
use FunctionalPHP\iterable\collection\lists\ArrayList;
use FunctionalPHP\iterable\collection\set\SortedSet;
$person1 = new Person ("John Snow", 23, TRUE);
$person2 = new Person ("Peter Pan", 12, TRUE);
$personEqualsTo1 = new Person ("John Snow", 23, TRUE);
// ArrayList
$arrayList = new ArrayList();
$arrayList->add ($person1);
$arrayList->add ($person2);
$arrayList->add ($personEqualsTo1); // Permits duplicates
$filteredArrayList = arrayList1->filterByLambda (function (Person $person) : bool {
return $person->age % 2 == 0;
}); // Contains only $person2 (his age is even)
$filteredArrayList->remove ($person1); // Returns FALSE, $person1 does not exists in $filteredArrayList
$filteredArrayList->remove ($person2); // Returns TRUE, now $filteredArrayList is empty
// SortedSet
$sortedSet1 = new SortedSet();
$sortedSet1->add ($person2);
$sortedSet1->add ($person1);
$sortedSet1->add ($personEqualsTo1); // This object will not inserted in the SortedSet
$sortedSet2 = new SortedSet ($sortedSet1, new PersonComparator());
var_export ($sortedSet1->toArray()); // Returns the elements in the following order: $person1, $person2
var_export ($sortedSet2->toArray()); // Returns the elements in the following order: $person2, $person1
$sortedSet1->foreach (function (Person $person) {
$person->age += 10;
// We can iterate over any Iterable class using foreach loop
foreach ($sortedSet1->iterator() as $element) {
echo "\nName property: ", $element->name; // Now we will see that each person is 10 years old more
echo "\nAge property: ", $element->age;
// HashMap
$hashMap = new HashMap (Map::KEY_STRING_TYPE);
$hashMap->put ($person1->name, $person1);
$hashMap->put ($person2->name, $person2);
foreach ($hashMap->iterator() as $internalKey => $internalValue) {
echo "\nKey of current element of Map: ", $internalKey;
echo "\nValue of current element of Map: ", $internalValue->name, " - "
, $internalValue->age;
Now we are going to start to use the functional programming, beginning with the functionality related with Predicate and for this purpose will be used the previous example predicates:
namespace FunctionalPHP\test;
use FunctionalPHP\common\functional\CompositePredicate;
use FunctionalPHP\test\IsIntAndPairPredicate;
use FunctionalPHP\test\IsIntPredicate;
$isIntOfEmpty = (new IsIntPredicate())->test(); // Return FALSE
$isIntOfString = (new IsIntPredicate())->test ("A"); // Return FALSE
$isIntOfSeveralStrings = (new IsIntPredicate())->test ("A", "B"); // Return FALSE
$isIntOfInteger = (new IsIntPredicate())->test(1); // Return TRUE
$isIntOfSeveralIntegers = (new IsIntPredicate())->test (1, 2); // Return TRUE
$isIntOfMixedValues = (new IsIntPredicate())->test ("A", 2); // Return FALSE
// CompositePredicate
$isIntAndPairOfEmpty = (new CompositePredicate (new IsIntPredicate()))
->and (new IsIntAndPairPredicate())->test(); // Return FALSE
$isIntAndPairOfStrings = (new CompositePredicate (new IsIntPredicate()))
->and (new IsIntAndPairPredicate())->test ("A", "B"); // Return FALSE
$isIntAndPairOfIntegers = (new CompositePredicate (new IsIntPredicate()))
->and (new IsIntAndPairPredicate())->test (1, 2); // Return FALSE
$isIntAndPairOfPairIntegers = (new CompositePredicate (new IsIntPredicate()))
->and (new IsIntAndPairPredicate())->test (2, 4, 6); // Return TRUE
$isIntXorPairOfPairIntegers = (new CompositePredicate (new IsIntPredicate()))
->xor (new IsIntAndPairPredicate())->test (2, 4); // Return FALSE
$isIntXorPairOfMixedIntegers = (new CompositePredicate (new IsIntPredicate()))
->xor (new IsIntAndPairPredicate())->test (1, 2); // Return TRUE
In the following section we will learn how to use the functionality provided by Stream interface, implemented by BasicStream class:
namespace FunctionalPHP\test;
use FunctionalPHP\common\Optional;
use FunctionalPHP\common\functional\BasicStream;
use FunctionalPHP\test\Car;
use FunctionalPHP\test\Person;
use FunctionalPHP\test\PersonComparator;
use FunctionalPHP\test\HasPersonOddAgePredicate;
use FunctionalPHP\test\HasPersonMoreThanOneWordAsNamePredicate;
$car1 = new Car ('A-2134', 2015);
$car2 = new Car ('B-9999', 2015);
$car3 = new Car ('C-4567', 2010);
$arrayListOfCars1 = new ArrayList();
$arrayListOfCars1->add ($car1);
$arrayListOfCars1->add ($car3);
$arrayListOfCars2 = new ArrayList();
$arrayListOfCars2->add ($car2);
$person1 = new Person ("Alba", 11, FALSE);
$person2 = new Person ("Albert", 18, TRUE, $arrayListOfCars2);
$person3 = new Person ("Bob", 9, TRUE, $arrayListOfCars1);
$person4 = new Person ("Clark Smith", 34, TRUE);
$person5 = new Person ("Dalia", 19, FALSE, $arrayListOfCars1);
$arrayListOfPersons = new ArrayList();
$arrayListOfPersons->add ($person1);
$arrayListOfPersons->add ($person2);
$arrayListOfPersons->add ($person3);
$arrayListOfPersons->add ($person4);
$arrayListOfPersons->add ($person5);
$arrayListOfPersons->stream()->allMatch (new HasPersonOddAgePredicate()); // Return FALSE
$arrayListOfPersons->stream()->anyMatch (new HasPersonOddAgePredicate()); // Return TRUE
$arrayListOfPersons->stream()->noneMatch (new HasPersonMoreThanOneWordAsNamePredicate()); // Return FALSE
// filter
$arrayListOfPersons->stream()->filter (new HasPersonOddAgePredicate())
->toArray(); // Return [$person1, $person3, $person5]
// filterByLambda
$arrayListOfPersons->stream()->filterByLambda (function (Person $person) : bool {
return strcmp ($person->name, "Clark Smith") == 0;
->toArray(); // Return [$person4]
// forEach
$stream = $arrayListOfPersons->stream();
$stream->forEach (function (Person $person) {
$person->age *= 2;
$stream->toArray(); // Return an array on which all age values has been multiplied by 2
$arrayListOfPersons->toArray(); // Return the same result.
// sortedByComparator
$arrayListOfPersons->stream()->sortedByComparator (new PersonComparator())
->toArray(); // Return [$person5, $person4, $person3, $person2, $person1]
// sortedByLambda
$arrayListOfPersons->stream()->sortedByLambda (function (Person $person1, Person $person2): int {
return strcmp ($person1->name, $person2->name);
->toArray(); // Return [$person1, $person2, $person3, $person4, $person5]
// map
$arrayListOfPersons->stream()->map (function (Person $person1) : int {
return $person1->age;
->toArray(); // Return [22, 36, 18, 68, 38] due to we have modified age in the previous forEach
// flatMap
$arrayListOfPersons->stream()->flatMap (function (Person $person) : Stream {
return $person->cars->stream();
->toArray(); // Return [$car2, $car1, $car3, $car1, $car3]
// reduce
$result = $arrayListOfPersons->stream()->reduce (function (int $accumulatedValue, Person $person) : int {
return $person->age + $accumulatedValue;
,0); // Return 182, due to we have modified age in the previous forEach
// And more complex examples
$arrayListOfPersons->add ($person1);
$arrayListOfPersons->add ($person2);
$arrayListOfPersons->add ($person3);
$arrayListOfPersons->add ($person4);
$arrayListOfPersons->add ($person5);
$arrayListOfPersons->add ($person1);
// We want to get the list of different values of age (only odd values) with ascending ordination
$arrayListOfPersons->stream()->filter (new HasPersonOddAgePredicate())
->map (function (Person $person) : int {
return $person->age;
->toArray(); // Return [9, 11, 19]
// Now we want to know the distinct car's registrations of all persons
$arrayListOfPersons->stream()->flatMap (function (Person $person) : Stream {
return $person->cars->stream()
->map (function (Car $car) : string {
return $car->registration;
->toArray(); // Return ['B-9999', 'A-2134', 'C-4567']
It is important to have one thing in mind and we have seen in the previous example, due to a performance reason, the elements from the "original Collection" are the same that we stored in the "destination Stream", that is, we don't create copies of them.
For this reason, forEach method modifies the elements stored in "both classes": original Collection and destination Stream. This does not happen anymore when map method changes the type of the stored elements in the Stream.
Java 8 works in the same way, but if you want you can change this behaviuor modifying how the elements of the Collection are stored in the Stream (in this case BasicStream::_construct)
At this point we will learn how to use the useful functionality provided by Collectiors class, that allow us, for example, accumulating elements into collections or summarizing elements according to various criteria:
namespace FunctionalPHP\test;
use FunctionalPHP\common\Optional;
use FunctionalPHP\common\functional\BasicStream;
use FunctionalPHP\common\functional\Collectors;
use FunctionalPHP\test\Car;
use FunctionalPHP\test\Person;
use FunctionalPHP\test\HasPersonOddAgePredicate;
$car1 = new Car ('A-2134', 2015);
$car2 = new Car ('B-9999', 2015);
$car3 = new Car ('C-4567', 2010);
$arrayListOfCars1 = new ArrayList();
$arrayListOfCars1->add ($car1);
$arrayListOfCars1->add ($car3);
$arrayListOfCars2 = new ArrayList();
$arrayListOfCars2->add ($car2);
$person1 = new Person ("Alba", 11, FALSE);
$person2 = new Person ("Albert", 18, TRUE, $arrayListOfCars2);
$person3 = new Person ("Bob", 9, TRUE, $arrayListOfCars1);
$person4 = new Person ("Clark Smith", 34, TRUE);
$person5 = new Person ("Dalia", 19, FALSE, $arrayListOfCars1);
$arrayListOfPersons = new ArrayList();
$arrayListOfPersons->add ($person1);
$arrayListOfPersons->add ($person2);
$arrayListOfPersons->add ($person3);
$arrayListOfPersons->add ($person4);
$arrayListOfPersons->add ($person5);
// toList
$arrayListOfAllCars = $arrayListOfPersons->stream()->flatMap (function (Person $person) : Stream {
return $person->cars->stream();
->collect (Collectors::toList()); // Return an ArrayList with: $car2, $car1, $car3, $car1, $car3
// toSet
$hashSetOfAllCars = $arrayListOfPersons->stream()->flatMap (function (Person $person) : Stream {
return $person->cars->stream();
->collect (Collectors::toSet()); // Return a HashSet with: $car2, $car1, $car3
// partitioningBy
$hashMap = $arrayListOfPersons->stream()->collect (Collectors::partitioningBy (new HasPersonOddAgePredicate()));
* Return a HashMap with the following information:
* $hashMap->get (FALSE) => return an Optional of ObjectWithIterable with the elements of the Stream that does not verify the given predicate
* $hashMap->get (TRUE) => return an Optional of ObjectWithIterable with the elements of the Stream that verify the given predicate
$arrayListOfPersonDoesNotVerifyPredicate = $hashMap->get (FALSE)->get()->getIterable(); // Return an ArrayList with: $person2, $person4
$arrayListOfPersonVerifyPredicate = $hashMap->get (TRUE)->get()->getIterable(); // Return an ArrayList with: $person1, $person3, $person5, $person1
// partitioningByUsingCollection
$hashMap = $arrayListOfPersons->stream()->collect (Collectors::partitioningByUsingCollection (new HasPersonOddAgePredicate(), new HashSet()));
$hashSetOfPersonDoesNotVerifyPredicate = $hashMap->get (FALSE)->get()->getIterable(); // Return a HashSet with: $person2, $person4
$hashSetOfPersonVerifyPredicate = $hashMap->get (TRUE)->get()->getIterable(); // Return a HashSet with: $person1, $person3, $person5
// groupingBy
$hashMap = $arrayListOfPersons->stream()->flatMap (function (Person $person) : Stream {
return $person->cars->stream();
->collect (Collectors::groupingBy (function (Car $car) : int {
return $car->yearOfProduction;
* Return a HashMap with the following information:
* $hashMap->get (2010) => return an Optional of ObjectWithIterable with the cars with a yearOfProduction = 2010
* $hashMap->get (2015) => return an Optional of ObjectWithIterable with the cars with a yearOfProduction = 2015
$arrayListOfCarsOf2010 = $hashMap->get (2010)->get()->getIterable(); // Return an ArrayList with: $car3, $car3
$arrayListOfCarsOf2015 = $hashMap->get (2015)->get()->getIterable(); // Return an ArrayList with: $car2, $car1, $car1
// groupingByUsingCollection
$hashMap = $arrayListOfPersons->stream()->flatMap (function (Person $person) : Stream {
return $person->cars->stream();
->collect (Collectors::groupingByUsingCollection (function (Car $car) : int {
return $car->yearOfProduction;
,new HashSet()));
$hashSetOfCarsOf2010 = $hashMap->get (2010)->get()->getIterable(); // Return a HashSet with: $car3
$hashSetOfCarsOf2015 = $hashMap->get (2015)->get()->getIterable(); // Return a HashSet with: $car2, $car1
All classes of this project have tests using PHPUnit, you will see them in the folder /test and you will be able to execute anyone of them running, in the folder where it is located, the following command in the console:
phpunit the_file_that_you_want_to_test
Currently the project has the following tests and assertions:
(469 tests, 4755 assertions)