machine-generated-text-detector Public
Forked from taslanidis/machine-generated-text-detectorGeneralizable machine generated text detector. Part of the DL4NLP course @ UvA
Python UpdatedOct 13, 2024 -
Mood-Record-Estimation-Time-Series-Analysis Public
Forked from kaapthijs/DMT-A1Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 22, 2024 -
A custom autoregressive model to train on NDFA and Brackets datasets using LSTMs and RNNs
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 10, 2023 -
vugrad Public
Forked from dlvu/vugradYet another mini autodiff system for educational purposes
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 3, 2023 -
A solution for the famous Evoman Game by ES (Evolutionary Solutions)
Python UpdatedOct 1, 2023 -
This project takes a topic as an input arguement and then creates a blog post via openai api. Then commits on Github
Python UpdatedAug 15, 2023 -
A simple Tkinter Application for Visualizing IMKB Stock Data on past 1 year.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 5, 2023 -
A simple Tkinter application which uses Tesseract to convert Photo to Txt file
Python UpdatedJun 1, 2023 -
Image-Caption-Generation-with-Recursive-Neural-Networks-Deep-Learning-for-Vision-Language-Transl Public
Python UpdatedJan 28, 2023 -
I have trained linear regression, polynomial regression and logistic regression from scratch and analyzed the performances of them
Python UpdatedJan 27, 2023 -
KNN-Backward-Elimination Public
I have tested KNN classifier and backward elimination on Diabetes dataset.
Python UpdatedJan 27, 2023 -
Using Multinomial and Bernoulli Naive Bayes Classifiers to detect spam messages
Python UpdatedJan 26, 2023 -
PCA-tSNE-UMAP-comparison Public
Comparison of PCA, tSNE and UMAP feature reduction techniques
test runs for the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma by creating some random realizations and random projection matrices
Python UpdatedJan 17, 2023 -
PCA-NMF-from-scratch Public
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Non- negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) decomposition and reconstruction on an image dataset on human faces.
Python UpdatedJan 17, 2023 -