Glog is a simple blog powered by GitHub Pages and Gists.
GitHub offers free web hosting for static content and frontend web tech is pretty powerful. You don't need a dedicated blogging service and shouldn't be put through the hastle of setting one up.
I started working on Glog because I couldn't find a blogging system I was happy with. I've been looking for a way to blog that ...
- is free (both gratis and libre
- gives me control of my words/data
- uses a simple syntax like Markdown
- lets me post using a simple web interface
- doesn't require a build step
- can be hosted on a personal domain
- has minimal (to no) monitary overhead
- doesn't require maintenance
While there are plenty of other blogging solutions out there I haven't seen any that meet all of these requirements.
... Page data provided by GitHub Gists
Sure, there are other Gist-based blogs out there
they're hosted on Heroku or require rails or some other crazyness. Making and editing Gists is easy. Blogging should be too.
- Gistflow -
- -
- Medium -
- Svbtle -
- Tumblr -
- Blogger -