This repo is the top1 solution (team XXXR) for PRCV2024 SARDet contest.
- update README
- add code
- SARDet100k is of the most Complex(large, multi-scale, diverse sources and polarization, small objects) SAR detection datasets, which takes several times the training time of a general dataset.
- Training strategies for optical images may not always be applicable to SAR datasets.
key ideas:
- Train faster:
- use real-time network YOLOv10-xl as baseline to get faster training speed
- Introduce starnet to get a variant model
- Cross-combining the two previously trained models to get extral two models with good pre-trained weights
- The right data augmentations
- larger size
- smaller scale variation
- weaker hue variation
- Multi-stage training
- smaller learning rate
- weaker and more augmentations
- TTA and multi-model results integration
- TTA (flip)
- Weighted Boxes Fusion(WBF) of 4 models
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
pip install einops ensemble_boxes timm
# cd to code directory
mkdir datasets
# convert to YOLO format
python datasets/source/Annotations
cp -r datasets/source/JPEGImages/train datasets/SARDet2024/train/images
cp -r datasets/source/JPEGImages/val datasets/SARDet2024/val/images
# combine train val
# link test data to default dir
ln -s dir_of_test datasets/SARDet2024/test_A
# The computing resources of the organizer are 8 RTX3090
yolo detect train data=SARDet_tv.yaml epochs=200 batch=48 imgsz=1024 project=runs/sardet_x_1024_e200_b48 close_mosaic=0 device=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
python runs/sardet_x_1024_e200_b48/train/weights/