This package is designed to present a reference implementation of Wins Above Replacement for Major League Baseball players.
The Sxslt package is required in order to download new game data from MLBAM. This package is not present on CRAN. Hence, some manual installation may be necessary. The following command:
install.packages("Sxslt", repos = "", type = "source")
should do the trick.
Next, installing openWAR is best accomplished through the install_github() function in the devtools package.
install_github("openWAR", "beanumber")
The gameday() function downloads play-by-play data from the GameDay server hosted by Major League Baseball Advanced Media. This data is not libre, but it lives on a publicly-available webserver.
Getting individual game data is as simple as:
gd = gameday()
To retrieve a data.frame of many games worth, try:
ds = getData()
This will retrieve play-by-play data for all games played yesterday (by default). For each play, 62 variables are recorded.