- Try different values for k (passed to the KNeighborsClassifier constructor)- What can you achieve for MNIST and CIFAR-10?
- Visualize some of the errors (image, ground truth, predicted)
- Try different metrics (passed to the KNeighborsClassifier constructor)
- Try extracting features by decomposing the images with PCA (sklearn
Results by using KNN and PCA, and data reduction by a factor of 1/6:
- MNIST results :
- CIFAR10 results :
- Logistic regression in 2D,
reaching 93% accuracy
- Logistic regression in 3D,
reaching 91.6% accuracy
. - Logistic regression on MNIST,
reaching 91.4% accuracy with PCA=48
- Get familiar with PyTorch
- Create a DL and try it on CIFAR10.
Results by using a 256-four-hiddenlayers net, heavy-dropout, large capacity:
57.92% accuracy
on CIFAR test data.76.02% accuracy
on CIFAR with small CNN and data-transformations.
- Try to solve CIFAR10 with your own numpy (MLP) neural network, i.e. implement backprop, gradient descent, batch.
Results by using a single-layer, which is "handmade" in numpy:
59.04% accuracy
on CIFAR test data (not fine-tuned).
- The exercise is clearly stated in the slides
62.25% accuracy
on CIFAR test data (not fine-tuned).
- Create a CNN and try it on CIFAR10.
89.47% accuracy
on CIFAR with large CNN and data-transformations.
- Create an autoencoder for celebA
- Create a VAE for mnist
- I somewhat skipped the exercise, and went for VAE on celebA.
- It seems very difficult to find the correct set of hyperparameters, which is needed to train a VAE.
- Train an RNN to classify spam emails
- Trian an RNN to sort arrays
- I managed to do the first exercise, first, by using chars, secondly, by using words. Neither, does better than randomly guess i.e. 85% correct.