pip install -r requirements.txt
Default behavior is to display the analytical MDP, POMDP MC, and POMDP TD(0) solutions:
python -m grl.run --spec example_7
For this example, there is a discrepancy between MC and TD(0). To run it with a previously defined memory function:
python -m grl.run --spec example_7 --use_memory 5
If the memory function doesn't resolve it, try to find one that does:
python -m grl.run --spec example_7 --use_memory 0 --use_grad m
(note: to get good gradient estimates, it may be necessary to adjust initial memory transition functions so that they don't have deterministic transitions (e.g. adjust [1, 0] to [0.99, 0.01]))
usage: run.py [-h] [--spec SPEC] [--method METHOD]
[--n_random_policies N_RANDOM_POLICIES]
[--use_memory USE_MEMORY] [--use_grad USE_GRAD] [--heatmap]
[--n_episodes N_EPISODES] [--log] [--seed SEED]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--spec SPEC name of POMDP spec; evals Pi_phi policies by default
--method METHOD "a"-analytical, "s"-sampling, "b"-both
--n_random_policies N_RANDOM_POLICIES
number of random policies to eval; if set (>0),
overrides Pi_phi
--use_memory USE_MEMORY
use memory function during policy eval if set
--use_grad USE_GRAD find policy ("p") or memory ("m") that minimizes any
discrepancies by following gradient
--heatmap generate a policy-discrepancy heatmap for the given
--n_episodes N_EPISODES
number of rollouts to run
--log save output to logs/
--seed SEED seed for random number generators
-f FOOL_IPYTHON, --fool-ipython FOOL_IPYTHON
pip install pytest
pytest tests
pip install yapf
yapf --recursive --in-place .