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Some fixes for the parsing of external links (#232)
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* Proposed fix for #197

* Port the fix for #197 to the C tokenizer

* Fix parsing of external links where the URL is terminated by some special character

- One existing test case has been found wrong -- current MediaWiki
  version always terminates the URL when an opening bracket is
- Other test cases added: double quote, two single quotes and angles
  always terminate the URL (regardless if it is a free link or external
  link inside brackets). One single quote does not terminate the URL.

* Fix case-insensitive parsing of URI schemes
lahwaacz authored Dec 21, 2020
1 parent cccbd3e commit bb51e8f
Showing 5 changed files with 221 additions and 24 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion mwparserfromhell/nodes/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -27,15 +27,18 @@
class ExternalLink(Node):
"""Represents an external link, like ``[ Example]``."""

def __init__(self, url, title=None, brackets=True):
def __init__(self, url, title=None, brackets=True, suppress_space=False):
self.url = url
self.title = title
self.brackets = brackets
self.suppress_space = suppress_space

def __str__(self):
if self.brackets:
if self.title is not None:
if self.suppress_space is True:
return "[" + str(self.url) + str(self.title) + "]"
return "[" + str(self.url) + " " + str(self.title) + "]"
return "[" + str(self.url) + "]"
return str(self.url)
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions mwparserfromhell/parser/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -157,17 +157,20 @@ def _handle_wikilink(self, token):
def _handle_external_link(self, token):
"""Handle when an external link is at the head of the tokens."""
brackets, url = token.brackets, None
brackets, url, suppress_space = token.brackets, None, None
while self._tokens:
token = self._tokens.pop()
if isinstance(token, tokens.ExternalLinkSeparator):
url = self._pop()
suppress_space = token.suppress_space
elif isinstance(token, tokens.ExternalLinkClose):
if url is not None:
return ExternalLink(url, self._pop(), brackets)
return ExternalLink(self._pop(), brackets=brackets)
return ExternalLink(url, self._pop(), brackets=brackets,
suppress_space=suppress_space is True)
return ExternalLink(self._pop(), brackets=brackets,
suppress_space=suppress_space is True)
raise ParserError("_handle_external_link() missed a close token")
99 changes: 89 additions & 10 deletions mwparserfromhell/parser/ctokenizer/tok_parse.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ SOFTWARE.
#define DIGITS "0123456789"
#define HEXDIGITS "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"
#define ALPHANUM "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
#define URISCHEME "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+.-"
#define URISCHEME "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+.-"

#define MAX_BRACES 255
@@ -99,6 +99,66 @@ static PyObject* strip_tag_name(PyObject* token, int take_attr)
return lowered;

Check if the given character is a non-word character.
Equivalent to this Python code:
def is_non_word_character(ch):
if re.fullmatch(r"\W", chunk):
return True
return False
static int is_non_word_character(Py_UCS4 ch)
int ret = 0;
PyObject* modname = NULL;
PyObject* module = NULL;
PyObject* fmatch = NULL;
PyObject* pattern = NULL;
PyObject* str = NULL;
PyObject* posArgs = NULL;
PyObject* match = NULL;

modname = PyUnicode_FromString("re");
if (modname == NULL)
goto error;
module = PyImport_Import(modname);
if (module == NULL)
goto error;
fmatch = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "fullmatch");
if (fmatch == NULL)
goto error;
pattern = PyUnicode_FromString("\\W");
if (pattern == NULL)
goto error;
str = PyUnicode_FROM_SINGLE(ch);
if (str == NULL)
goto error;
posArgs = PyTuple_Pack(2, pattern, str);
if (posArgs == NULL)
goto error;
match = PyObject_Call(fmatch, posArgs, NULL);
if (match == NULL)
goto error;

if (match != Py_None)
ret = 1;
goto end;

ret = -1;
return ret;

Parse a template at the head of the wikicode string.
@@ -527,7 +587,13 @@ static int Tokenizer_parse_free_uri_scheme(Tokenizer* self)
// it was just parsed as text:
for (i = self->topstack->textbuffer->length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
chunk = Textbuffer_read(self->topstack->textbuffer, i);
if (Py_UNICODE_ISSPACE(chunk) || is_marker(chunk))
// stop at the first non-word character
int is_non_word = is_non_word_character(chunk);
if (is_non_word < 0) {
return -1;
else if (is_non_word == 1)
goto end_of_loop;
j = 0;
do {
@@ -607,14 +673,15 @@ static int Tokenizer_handle_free_link_text(
Return whether the current head is the end of a free link.
static int
Tokenizer_is_free_link(Tokenizer* self, Py_UCS4 this, Py_UCS4 next)
Tokenizer_is_free_link_end(Tokenizer* self, Py_UCS4 this, Py_UCS4 next)
// Built from Tokenizer_parse()'s end sentinels:
Py_UCS4 after = Tokenizer_read(self, 2);
uint64_t ctx = self->topstack->context;

return (!this || this == '\n' || this == '[' || this == ']' ||
this == '<' || this == '>' || (this == '\'' && next == '\'') ||
this == '<' || this == '>' || this == '"' ||
(this == '\'' && next == '\'') ||
(this == '|' && ctx & LC_TEMPLATE) ||
(this == '=' && ctx & (LC_TEMPLATE_PARAM_KEY | LC_HEADING)) ||
(this == '}' && next == '}' &&
@@ -656,7 +723,7 @@ Tokenizer_really_parse_external_link(Tokenizer* self, int brackets,
if (Tokenizer_parse_comment(self))
return NULL;
else if (!brackets && Tokenizer_is_free_link(self, this, next)) {
else if (!brackets && Tokenizer_is_free_link_end(self, this, next)) {
return Tokenizer_pop(self);
@@ -669,16 +736,28 @@ Tokenizer_really_parse_external_link(Tokenizer* self, int brackets,
else if (this == ']')
return Tokenizer_pop(self);
else if (this == ' ') {
else if (this == ' ' || Tokenizer_is_free_link_end(self, this, next)) {
if (brackets) {
if (Tokenizer_emit(self, ExternalLinkSeparator))
return NULL;
if (this == ' ') {
if (Tokenizer_emit(self, ExternalLinkSeparator))
return NULL;
else {
PyObject* kwargs = PyDict_New();
if (!kwargs)
return NULL;
if (this != ' ')
PyDict_SetItemString(kwargs, "suppress_space", Py_True);
if (Tokenizer_emit_kwargs(self, ExternalLinkSeparator, kwargs))
return NULL;
self->topstack->context ^= LC_EXT_LINK_URI;
self->topstack->context |= LC_EXT_LINK_TITLE;
if (this == ' ')
return Tokenizer_parse(self, 0, 0);
if (Textbuffer_write(extra, ' '))
if (Textbuffer_write(extra, this))
return NULL;
return Tokenizer_pop(self);
30 changes: 22 additions & 8 deletions mwparserfromhell/parser/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ def _parse_bracketed_uri_scheme(self):
self._head += 2
valid = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+.-"
valid = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+.-"
all_valid = lambda: all(char in valid for char in self._read())
scheme = ""
while self._read() is not self.END and all_valid():
@@ -386,14 +386,15 @@ def _parse_bracketed_uri_scheme(self):

def _parse_free_uri_scheme(self):
"""Parse the URI scheme of a free (no brackets) external link."""
valid = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+.-"
valid = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+.-"
scheme = []
# We have to backtrack through the textbuffer looking for our
# scheme since it was just parsed as text:
for chunk in reversed(self._textbuffer):
for char in reversed(chunk):
if char.isspace() or char in self.MARKERS:
# stop at the first non-word character
if re.fullmatch(r"\W", char):
raise StopIteration()
if char not in valid:
raise BadRoute()
@@ -438,7 +439,7 @@ def _is_free_link_end(self, this, nxt):
# Built from _parse()'s end sentinels:
after, ctx = self._read(2), self._context
equal_sign_contexts = contexts.TEMPLATE_PARAM_KEY | contexts.HEADING
return (this in (self.END, "\n", "[", "]", "<", ">") or
return (this in (self.END, "\n", "[", "]", "<", ">", "\"") or
this == nxt == "'" or
(this == "|" and ctx & contexts.TEMPLATE) or
(this == "=" and ctx & equal_sign_contexts) or
@@ -481,16 +482,29 @@ def _really_parse_external_link(self, brackets):
elif this == "]":
return self._pop(), tail, 0
elif " " in this:
before, after = this.split(" ", 1)
elif this == "'" and nxt == "'":
separator = tokens.ExternalLinkSeparator()
separator.suppress_space = True
self._context ^= contexts.EXT_LINK_URI
self._context |= contexts.EXT_LINK_TITLE
return self._parse(push=False), None, 0
elif any(ch in this for ch in (" ", "\n", "[", "]", "<", ">",
before, after = re.split("[ \n\[\]<>\"]", this, maxsplit=1)
delimiter = this[len(before)]
if brackets:
separator = tokens.ExternalLinkSeparator()
if delimiter != " ":
separator.suppress_space = True
if after:
self._context ^= contexts.EXT_LINK_URI
self._context |= contexts.EXT_LINK_TITLE
self._head += 1
if delimiter == " ":
self._head += 1
return self._parse(push=False), None, 0
punct, tail = self._handle_free_link_text(punct, tail, before)
return self._pop(), tail + " " + after, 0
102 changes: 100 additions & 2 deletions tests/tokenizer/external_links.mwtest
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ output: [ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=True), Text(text=""), Ext

name: brackets_open_bracket_inside
label: an open bracket inside a bracket-enclosed link that is also included
label: an open bracket inside a bracket-enclosed link that is not included
input: "[[ Example]"
output: [ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=True), Text(text="["), ExternalLinkSeparator(), Text(text="Example"), ExternalLinkClose()]
output: [ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=True), Text(text=""), ExternalLinkSeparator(suppress_space=True), Text(text="[ Example"), ExternalLinkClose()]


@@ -478,3 +478,101 @@ name: brackets_scheme_title_but_no_url
label: brackets around a scheme, colon, and slashes, with a title
input: "[http:// Example]"
output: [Text(text="[http:// Example]")]


name: url_preceded_by_non_word_character
label: non-word character immediately before a valid URL
input: "svn+ssh://"
output: [Text(text="svn+"), ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=False), Text(text="ssh://"), ExternalLinkClose()]


name: url_preceded_by_underscore
label: underscore immediately before a valid URL
input: "svn_ssh://"
output: [Text(text="svn_ssh://")]


name: url_terminated_by_double_quote
label: a free link terminated by a double quote
input: "\"bar"
output: [ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=False), Text(text=""), ExternalLinkClose(), Text(text="\"bar")]


name: url_not_terminated_by_single_quote
label: a free link not terminated by a single quote
input: "'bar"
output: [ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=False), Text(text="'bar"), ExternalLinkClose()]


name: url_terminated_by_two_single_quotes
label: a free link terminated by two single quotes
input: "''bar''"
output: [ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=False), Text(text=""), ExternalLinkClose(), TagOpenOpen(wiki_markup="''"), Text(text="i"), TagCloseOpen(), Text(text="bar"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="i"), TagCloseClose()]


name: url_terminated_by_left_angle
label: a free link terminated by a left angle
input: "<bar"
output: [ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=False), Text(text=""), ExternalLinkClose(), Text(text="<bar")]


name: url_terminated_by_right_angle
label: a free link terminated by a right angle
input: ">bar"
output: [ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=False), Text(text=""), ExternalLinkClose(), Text(text=">bar")]


name: brackets_terminated_by_double_quote
label: an external link terminated by a double quote
input: "[\"bar]"
output: [ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=True), Text(text=""), ExternalLinkSeparator(suppress_space=True), Text(text="\"bar"), ExternalLinkClose()]


name: brackets_not_terminated_by_single_quote
label: an external link not terminated by a single quote
input: "['bar]"
output: [ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=True), Text(text="'bar"), ExternalLinkClose()]


name: brackets_terminated_by_two_single_quotes
label: an external link terminated by two single quotes
input: "[''bar'']"
output: [ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=True), Text(text=""), ExternalLinkSeparator(suppress_space=True), TagOpenOpen(wiki_markup="''"), Text(text="i"), TagCloseOpen(), Text(text="bar"), TagOpenClose(), Text(text="i"), TagCloseClose(), ExternalLinkClose()]


name: brackets_terminated_by_left_angle
label: an external link terminated by a left angle
input: "[<bar]"
output: [ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=True), Text(text=""), ExternalLinkSeparator(suppress_space=True), Text(text="<bar"), ExternalLinkClose()]


name: brackets_terminated_by_right_angle
label: an external link terminated by a right angle
input: "[>bar]"
output: [ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=True), Text(text=""), ExternalLinkSeparator(suppress_space=True), Text(text=">bar"), ExternalLinkClose()]


name: scheme_case
label: a free link with uppercase letters in the URL scheme
input: "HtTp://"
output: [ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=False), Text(text="HtTp://"), ExternalLinkClose()]


name: bracket_scheme_case
label: an external link with uppercase letters in the URL scheme
input: "[HtTp://]"
output: [ExternalLinkOpen(brackets=True), Text(text="HtTp://"), ExternalLinkClose()]

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