####Ervin-Dawson Warner
###The goal of the project was to take the original cellphone data and provide new "tidy and clean" data.
A full description of the original data can be found at:
In addition the data for this project can be found at:
###This project contains the following files
- README.md - This file - a description of how this project was completed.
- run_analysis.R - the R code that loads the original data, cleans it, then outputs the tidy data
- CodeBook.txt - a description of the features in the "tidy and clean" mean_activity_subject.txt file
- mean_activity_subject.txt - the "tidy and clean" data
- features.txt - the original features
- features_info.txt - a description of the original features
###The R Script (run_analysis.R) completes the analysis of the data. It performs the following steps:
- Loads all the data from the original train and test sets (
- Combines the train and test sets into single tables
- Gives the data appropriate labels for each feature/column
- Extracts the mean and standard deviation for each measurement
- Combines the three individual tables into one table containing all the data
- Updates the activities with descriptive names
- Calculates the mean of each of the feature columns grouped by activity and subject
- Writes the tidy and clean data to a file
- Loads the tidy data from the file to verify it was written correctly and is reproducible.
####Note - In order to run the analysis, the original data must be in the same folder as the run_analysis.R file.